Chapter 17 A Family Reunion

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I was sitting in the office sorting through some files. I knew I was about to leave the garage in the hands of Sasha and Chucky and was praying I wouldn't come back to a shit show. At this point it was worth it though. The club was headed to meet up with my mom and execute a plan to try and find Abel. We were also in the vicinity of a woman who ran illegal scripts that was friends with Piney. The plan was to get their hands on some for Happy's mom.

I had just gone over some of the routine with Sasha, knowing she was well acquainted at this point and could handle the place for a couple days without me. My bag was packed, there was no chance I wasn't going to see mom before she left. Jax came into the office and spotted Sasha there. "Can we have the room" he asked her?

Without a word Sasha ducked into the garage and closed the door behind me. My brother let out a sigh and ran a hand down his face. "Need to bounce something off you."

"Fire away" I nodded leaning against the desk and folding my arms.

"Just talked to Jimmy O" He explained, putting his hands in his pockets. "said he didn't lie. His guys picked up Cameron and killed him, but that Abel wasn't with him."

I examined my brother's face and thought about it for a second. "You don't believe him" I looked up at him?

He shook his head and bit his lip pacing the room. "Something ain't sitting right" he told me. "He had Liam O'Neill vouch for him."

"Liam O'Neill" I asked?

"Belfast chapter" he explained.

I pursed my lips with a nod, considering my words carefully. "I don't wear a cut, so maybe this means nothing" I shrugged. "If the patch doesn't say Samcro, I don't take it as gospel, and not even always then."

Jax huffed and nodded, I could tell I was on the same page as him.

"Look" I shrugged to him. "The plan was to get mom up north to get her out of the line of fire anyway, right?"

"Right" Jax nodded to me.

"So, we stick to it" I nodded. "We get mom into canuck territory and exhaust our resources in the great white. It leads to one of three things. We find Abel, we hit a dead end or- "

"It points us to Belfast" Jax nodded. "And we have a whole new set of problems."

"Does us no good to worry about what might happen, Jax" I shook my head. "All we can do is the best we can with what we got."

"You know you're not coming to Canada right" he asked me?

"I figure I'll be sent back with Tara" I nodded. "Can't leave TM that long anyway. I just need to see mom before, y'know."

Jax sighed, "fair enough."

He got to his feet and started for the door. "You know I'm always there for you Jax" I told him turning my attention back to the files on my desk. "But this seems more like a conversation for your old lady."

"Yeah, well, Face's seemed to understand the situation a little better" he told me. "And mine decided to take off."

"Like I said" I nodded, examining his face. "Always here." I watched him leave the office. I knew things were rocky with he and Tara at the moment. Abel's kidnapping threw them both into their respective worlds. While Jax was facing this with a dark determination, Tara had been traumatized by the ordeal.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the parking lot. I put it down to light my cigarette and Face leaned down to pick it up for me. "Nothin breakable right" he asked as he started to take it over to his bike?

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