I hate everything!

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So, I have been writing and detest everything I have written so far. It's reading like I sort of copied and pasted...so what would the point be of publishing what has already been on the show? So I'm scrapping it. Sorry I know it's been a wait already and I'm back to square one.

At this point my method is scoping our each episode and putting together notes of what I want for Harley and Face's story. Once I have a map I can write. Hoping to get into the grit here soon, but I wanted the season mapped. This is especially because we have the final season after this and I want it set up. Honestly I'm getting dialog for that season better than this.

Couple of teasers, the twins are going to be an area to watch. We will be bringing back a character the show never re-explored. I am hoping to introduce a new original character if I can make them fit the storyline.

I'm actually happy with my notes for the first episode, it's flowing a bit better. I also like I have Face back into  the role of the observer on some things. Right back where I had him in the first season.

Sorry that's all I got for now. Just wanted to let you know I am still here.

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