Chapter 8 Touching Heaven

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Shit had gone sideways in more ways than one, that day. While I was dealing with Harley getting attacked, the crew got split down the middle. Jax had been ambushed by the Mayan's, walking right into it. Meanwhile Clay and his crew had followed Weston, finding our gun order we were supposed to have gotten from the Irish. They'd attempted to call in back up, I was otherwise engaged, and Jax's crew were in their own shit. Tensions hitting an all-time high at the dinner Gemma had planned for us that night, everything came to a head. Brother turned on brother, and fists were thrown.

"Hey" Harley screamed getting between her father and brother. "Enough of this shit" she grabbed each by the shirt.

"Harley back down" Clay shouted. "This is club business."

"Don't tell my sister what to do" Jax shouted at him.

"Both of you fuck off" She shouted at the two men who were twice her size!

Gemma, frustrated, slammed a platter on the floor shattering it. The room stood in silence for a moment.

"Fuck this" Harley muttered, "I'm out. Mom, I'll call you later."

In the chaos, I was able to duck out the back door after Harley.

"Running for your life cowboy" she asked me? I looked back and she was leaning up against the house having a smoke.

"Supposed to be watching you aren't I" I asked her? "You okay?"

"Oh yeah" she sighed. "Big fucking day. Find out what the fuck is up with mom, asshole comes for me and my dad and brother are ready to kill each other."

"I'm sorry" I sighed.

"Don't fucking feel sorry for me" she shook her head. "This is the fucking life I'm in. I chose it."

She was about to walk away from me, and I grabbed her arm to stop her. "I don't feel sorry for you" I clarified. "If anyone is strong enough to take it, it's you. I still don't like that you're going through it."

She stared up at me, her face examining mine, illuminated by the streetlights. "Can you take me home please" she asked me quietly?

I granted her wish and took her home, another silent and thought-provoking drive. I positioned myself in front of her as I scoped out her house with my gun drawn, checking for any potential surprises. She stayed closed and had her own gun a the ready as we edged through her bungalow.

When we had the all clear she went into the kitchen and grabbed me a beer. She handed it to me as I sat down on the couch. "I'm going to get a shower" she said in nearly a whisper. I gave her a nod and popped open the beer.

I was laying there with my eyes closed, relaxing to the sound of the water running. When it stopped, I could hear her shuffling around in her bathroom.

Finally she came into the living room and I opened my eyes. Her hair was still wet, and she was wrapped in a satin robe. "Face" she stood in front of me and said my name in barely a whisper. She edged closer to me her knee slipping between mine. I sat up giving her my full attention. "Do you want me?"

My breath buckled in my throat and my cock twitched at her question. "You know I do". My voice was a barely audible growl.

She came closer to me placing a knee on either side of my hips. I looked down and if that robe opened any further there would be nothing left to my imagination. She straddled my lap and tilted my head back up to face her. She kissed me and pressed herself onto my hardening dick. She kept kissing me as she untied her robe, revealing to me her soft naked body. I let out a sharp breath while I slid my hand inside the fabric. I caressed her curves; her skin was soft and warm, and I wanted to touch her everywhere.

"Face" she whimpered. "Take me to my room."

My hands slid to the perfect globe of her ass. I lifted her around me effortlessly, obeying her wish. I nipped at her neck, and she mewed in my arms.

She rolled herself on my crotch. She knew better than to take off my cut, so I slithered out of it on the way to her room.

When we reached her bed, I laid her down and took a step back to take in the view. I slid my t-shirt up over my head. She was on her knees on the bed looking up at me while she undid my belt. She reached behind me and slowly slid down my pants. My erection sprang forth slapping her perfect tits. She lowered her mouth and licked slowly up my shaft before she flattened her tongue over the head. I let out a hiss as she took me in her mouth and slid as far down my shaft as she could go. Her head bobbed up and down me and I struggled to stay upright. She hummed with pleasure; the vibrations were incredible. Finally, I told her to stop. Her lips popped off my dick and she looked up at me with her doe eyes.

I bent down and started to crawl over her, sending her backwards on the bed. I kissed her and snaked my hand between her legs. She was soaked, so wet. "This for me" I asked?

"Mmhmm" she moaned as I rubbed into her clit. I always knew there were potential consequences in touching her, but right now? I would burn in hell for her.

My hand that wasn't between her legs, was cupping and fondling her breast as I kissed her hard. She moaned in my mouth. I trailed down her throat with my lips continuing downward and circling her nipple with my tongue. I kissed down her stomach, knowing I had to taste her. I gently bit at her inner thigh and replaced my fingers that were still making her squirm below me, with my mouth.

My club name came rolling off her tongue in ecstasy. It never sounded so good.

I slid my fingers inside of her, she moaned, loud. I wanted her to cum, I wanted to see her cum by my doing. Knowing I gave her that pleasure and watch her unravel. That was the high I was chasing.

"Fuck me" she panted.

I was honestly surprised to hear it. So quick. "Come again?"

She nodded to me breathless and writhing. "Face just fuck me."

How the fuck was I going to resist that? I pulled my fingers out of her and lined my dick up to her pussy, and holy fuck. I don't know what I did to get this, but she had the tightest and wettest little cunt I ever slid into.

She winched for a second and I slowed my entrance.

"No" she whimpered. "All the way in."

She's gonna be the death of me. I sheathed myself in her and she sat up slightly for a second. Her mouth hung open and she gasped a few times before I took the opportunity to slide my tongue back in her mouth. She rolled her hips, her tight walls slipping up and down my dick, I couldn't imagine her getting tighter.

I pulled out and slid back into her, I must have hit her in the right spot because she moaned in my mouth. The fingers of my right hand were tangled in her hair as I used my left to keep my weight off of her while I thrust into her over and over.

I earned a flurry of profanities as I rode her into her mattress picking up the pace. She clawed and moaned for me. Watching her primal reactions was taking me closer and closer to blowing my fucking load. Then she got tighter.

"I want you to cum inside me" she gasped. "I want to feel you finish."

I grunted as she squeezed my dick tighter. Holy fuck she felt good, I was getting worried I would go first. Then suddenly she arched her back and cried out, "Conner."

When I heard my real name I slammed into her, she squeezed me until I popped. Then like a whip her body snapped as though I'd triggered a second wave.

I held on to her as we rode out the climax. I slowly laid her back down on the pillows. We were both drenched in sweat. I slid my still throbbing dick out of her and laid on the bed beside her. I watched her tits rise and fall as she attempted to catch her breath. I attempted to do the same, while I slid my arm under her neck and pulled her into me.

"Wow" she gasped.

"You're tellin me" I gasped back.

I wanted her. All of her. The sex was mind blowing. Being around her woke something in me I didn't know existed. I was well aware I had competition for her attention, but I would fight for it. Holy fuck would I fight. I'd been with women before, half of them, I couldn't tell you their name. But now? I only wanted her.

I woke up with her still on my arm. The sun danced across her milky skin, and I was already getting hot again. She looked like an angel in this light, though I knew she was the tough, ruthless princess of the Sons of Anarchy.

For some reason, last night she chose me. A nomad turned low ranking member of the club. Someone who was easily overlooked or that people didn't want to look at from scars on my face. If last night was all I got with her, the memories would satisfy my senses for the rest of my life. I wanted more, but how many times is one man allowed to touch heaven, let alone a man like me?

She hummed blissfully waking up in my arms. Her hair was given height from being pushed up on her pillow all night, but it wasn't all that messed up. Her eyes were at half-mast as they turned to me. A smile spread across her plump pink lips. "Hi" she said as she shifted to face me. Her tits bounced as she shifted, and I felt my dick start to wake up.

"Hi" I barely choked out.

"That was fun" her smile grew.

I cupped her face. Baby girl if you only knew. She leaned over me and kissed me. I closed my eyes and caressed her back as her hand slid down to my cock. "Could be fun again" she murmured into my lips before she pressed harder into my mouth and slid her tongue in.

She pushed me onto my back and rolled on top of me. Her phone rang and she looked at it. "One second" she smiled. She picked it up. "Good morning mother" she grinned. The smile soon washed off her face. "Tell me what" she asked? Her hand went over her mouth, and she slid off of me. "What" she whimpered, "Why? Do we know?" She struggled to string two words together. "No um, I know it was a lot." She hung her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Yeah. I'll be there in a bit."

I sat up as she snapped the phone closed. She leaned on her hands holding herself up as I watched her quietly cry. I kissed her shoulder and put my arms around her. I didn't know why she was crying, I had no idea, but I soon found out.

"Luanne" she whimpered, "She was found last night, beaten to death."

"Jesus" I whispered. I got wind of another run in with Georgie that Jax had. It's what I figured it was, retaliation. This asshole was another one who had to go. But right now, I had to hold her.

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