Chapter 13 All Eyes On You

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*I got the feedback and was told, yes there was a want for more Face and Harley. I started to write this season and sort of hated it, then realized I was writing it from the perspective of the wrong character. This season we will be following Harley

"Hey no, you want an old lady, I'll do ya one better. I'm an old lady, I'm also Gemma's daughter." The gun moved to point to me in a smooth motion, Kip attempted to shield me with his own body, while I attempted to push him away from me. Able let out a cry, distracting the gunman. He slowly walked over to my nephew and looked over him. He looked to the knife block on the counter and took out the biggest blade.

"Seems right" he quietly told us as the knife got dangerously close to the baby carrier. "A son for a son." Kip must have felt me try and move, because he advanced on him. The sound, blade slicing through flesh, followed by the choking on blood gurgle. Kip fell to the ground, Tara sliding to his aid as I watched painfully as he lurched back over Abel.

"No, take me" I begged. He replied by pointing his gun at me again. "Seriously, he's innocent. I've told you I tick the boxes."

"But you're more apt to try and escape" he told me. "I'll take my chances with the babe."

"But I wouldn't" I thought fast. "Take me with him. I wouldn't take any chances with his life on the line and I'm his aunt, I can keep him calm. Do you really want to travel with a screaming baby?"

He must have seen my logic because he gestured for me to grab him with a gun pointed at me. He instructed me and Tara to walk down the hall to Abel's room. He demanded I place Able down in the crib, where he held him at gunpoint. He then told me to tie up Tara in the chair. When I completed my chore, he forced us to the car he'd parked outside.

I could hear beeping, steady, rhythmic, it sounded like a heart monitor. When I woke up, I soon realized that's exactly what it was. I was oblivious to why I was in the hospital, completely disoriented. I started to choke on something shoved down my throat. I saw a blur of black run to the door and call for help. I was still fuzzy, all I knew was I knew the voice. I was panicking, I couldn't get a breath, I was gagging on whatever it was down my throat. A white lab coat came in and pulled the object from my mouth. I gagged once more before a straw was put to my lips. I took a sip and allowed the cold liquid to sooth my raw throat. I closed my eyes and put my head back on the pillow letting out a long breath.

"Welcome back, Harley" the doctor told me in a friendly tone. "How are we feeling?"

I tried to speak, but the rawness of my throat wouldn't allow any voice to come through.

"Okay" the doctor nodded. "Keep drinking the water. Can you help her with that" he asked the black streak from earlier?

"No problem, doc" He nodded. I realized the streak was Face, he must have been right beside my bed to move that fast.

I tried to force out words to him, but I was just met with a stabbing pain in my throat. Face just grabbed the cup and offered me the straw. I took the sip and looked at him. The way he gazed back at me was palpable. I didn't know why I was here, my head was spinning, everything was foggy. He put the cup down on the table beside me and cradled my head before he kissed my forehead. He let out a sigh and placed his forehead to mine.

I wanted to ask so many questions, but my voice failed me. Was that a breathing tube they just took out of me? What the hell happened? I was scared by the lack of info I had, but thankful I had him there. I put my hands on either one of his shoulders and held him there, I needed him close, he was the only thing familiar for me.

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