Chapter 3 The Accident

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We rushed into the hospital and quickly found Clay and Tig in the waiting area.

"What do we know" she demanded of her father?

"Not much yet sweetheart" he said in a gentle whisper.

He hugged her close to him, no sooner did he release her, and she started pacing, her jaw clenched. She ran her fingers through her hair anxiously.

Jax appeared in the room bouncing his son. He saw her tension. "She's with Tara now, okay?" She nodded, there was no slack given to her jaw. He started to hand her the baby. "Go see your auntie" he murmured.

"Come here little man" she said gently taking him and kissing him on the forehead.

Her pacing continued, but she softened slightly for the sake of the baby.

I offered to grab something at the cafeteria or a vending machine. I was new, how much comfort was I bringing here? She asked for a water, the others declined.

As I returned, a few of my brothers in arms ran past me, wheeling a seriously hung-over Bobby on a stretcher, hooting, and hollering, then stopping in front of the waiting area. I heard the playful exchange from the members. When I caught up to them, it was in time to see Harley hand over her nephew and walk down the hall.

"Guys" Jax said softly. "A little more sensitivity, for Harley's sake? She thinks mom is invincible, this is a shot to the gut for her."

There was a quiet chorus of apologies. I walked past the waiting area with a hydrating excuse in my hand to go check on her.

She was around the corner with her back to the wall and eyes closed, she let out a long breath. I leaned on the wall beside her and held out the bottle in front of her. She opened her eyes and took it from me. She cracked the twist lid and thanked me before she chugged half the bottle. "Wish it was whiskey."

"I asked for the vending machine for that" he nodded, "they said it's out of order."

A swift and silent laugh escaped her lips and left as quickly as it came.

"Can I do anything for you" I asked her sincerely?

"No" she shook her head. "Thank you."

"About the guys -"

"Boys will be boys" she shrugged. "I just wasn't having it right now."

I looked to my left to see Jax walking up the hall with what I assumed was Gemma's doctor. I'd later find out, this wasn't just the doc, she was well on her way to being Jax's old lady.

"Tara" Harley's attention was caught.

"I'm just coming for a quick update" she nodded. "Clay's down here?"

"Yeah" Harley nodded pushing off the wall. Jax pulled her in for a half of a hug and kissed her on top of the head as we all followed down the hall.

Gemma's car went off the road, she took a pretty big hit to the face. She was beat up, but gonna be okay. Clay and Harley let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.

"Can we see her" Clay asked hopefully?

"We're still running tests" Tara nodded, "it's gonna be a while."

Clay hugged Harley tightly. "Can you do me a favor" he asked her? "Can you head back to the house? Maybe cook, a little housework. Anything to make it a little easier on your mom when she gets home? She might be slow movin for a while."

"Yeah" she nodded quietly.

Clay kissed her on her head again. "Thank you baby girl."

"I can take you" I offered to her.

"Thanks" she nodded and led us out of the waiting area.

"Thanks Face" Clay echoed.

The ride back, her arms were wrapped a little tighter around me and I'm pretty sure she rested her head on my back once or twice. After the morning she had, I expected it was a coping mechanism.

We pulled into the driveway and without a word went into the house. I sort of lingered in the doorway watching her work. She didn't say anything so I wasn't sure what I could do. She popped into cupboards and the fridge, pursing her lips in thought. When finally, she mentally narrowed down what she would make, she gathered the items she would need. She strained to reach a top shelf, but never asked for help. Most of her family was quite tall, but not Harley. I'd heard her be called the runt of the litter before. Even Gemma had a good six inches on her, out of her heels. I walked over and grabbed the bowl down for her. She nodded and took it to the counter she was working at.

As she worked, she piled the used items in the sink. When the pile started to grow, I started washing the dishes for her. She got the food in the oven and dried the washed dishes. She wiped down the counters and I swept. We did all of this in silence, I think this was coping again. She went to the hall closet and started to strain again, again not asking for help.

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