Chapter 52 Not Enough Blood

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I felt for the man, I really did. He was wasted and looked like he was going out of his mind. Stressed to his limit only confirming the abuse I knew my mother put men through.

I heard the sigh of frustration come from Face. It had been mere hours since he attempted to debunk any illusions that I had the same affliction of man eater that my mother possessed. This only solidified it further.

The gnawing in my stomach as I watched him scramble to string together the events had me scrambling myself, for any way I could think of to bring him comfort. "I'm sorry Nero" I whispered. "She told me to stay out of it."

His attention turned to Face. "It's club shit man" he shook his head. "And honestly I don't even fucking know the details."

"Jesus Christ" He huffed.

"Nero, come in sit down" I offered. "Breathe a second."

"I'll get you a drink" Face nodded and walked into the kitchen.

I welcomed him into my home and brought him over to my living room. "What happened" I asked?

"Remember earlier when you talked to me about what needed to be done and what I could do" he asked? "Without going into detail, I handled it."

Ominous and with my imagination and what I had come across over the years, there were many possibilities swirling in my head right now. But it wasn't important, not to mention, I also knew I knew better than to ask questions. "Okay" offering him to continue with his story was about all I had.

Face walked in with two glasses of whiskey, and the bottle. Probably a smart move considering Nero downed his before he continued. "So I go to what I think is my woman's house" he explained. "A man does some heavy shit; he just needs some comfort. And Clay opens the door."

"Shit" I shook my head. "I'll be right back." I got to my feet and walked to my current bedroom closing the door behind me. I quickly called my mother, fortunately she was the one who answered. "Where's Clay?"

"I told you to stay out of this" she whispered.

"And I was" I replied. "Until Nero showed up at my house."

She took a while to respond. "Nero is there?"

"Yeah ma" I replied. "He's pretty hurt. What the fuck do I tell him?"

"Nothing" she told me. "You don't know anything anyway. Tell him uh. Shit I don't know. Convince him that I love him."

"Fuck mom I'm not being part of your manipulation" I snapped.

"No Harley I'm begging you to make him understand" Her voice was desperate. "It's not manipulation, I do love him. I can't lose him Harley, I can't."

Either she had gotten a lot better at lying, or she really did love Nero. She was trying to hide the fact that she was crying. If she was lying, she would let the waterworks flow. "I thought women didn't need love" I tested her.

"He's the exception baby" She told me.

I sighed. "I'll do what I can. But you need to figure this out, fast."

"I know" She sniffed. "I know, thank you Harley."

"I swear to fuck mom" I warned her. "If you are using me to bend him to your will."

"I would never bring you into my relationship if I could help it" she told me.

"Figure this out" I warned.

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