Chapter 6 Whatever This Is

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I sat silently in the waiting room with Gemma. Neither of us knew what to say. Her knee bounced anxiously. She'd melted down in that parking lot when Harley was hurt, understandable I guess, she is her child. But when she cried out, I can't do this again, that's haunted me. She didn't question my being there, I'm not sure if she knew why, or straight up didn't care in that moment. Waiting without any word was torture. We'd taken two serious blows in Chibs and Harley. We'd been there for hours. I looked at my watch, it was just after two am, and still nothing. I got up with a huff and ran my hands through my hair before I started pacing. Gemma took note of my movement, it was as though she just remembered I was there.

"You know, she's one tough little shit, my daughter" she said barely above a whisper. "I remember when she was a kid, maybe about five. Jax, Opie and their friend Riley, they set up this ramp in the side parking lot of TM. They hid it from me because I would have killed them. They were running their bikes off of it, and Harley caught them. Jax begged her not to tell, and she agreed she wouldn't. But she wanted to use that ramp too. They told her she was a girl, and she was too little as reasons why she couldn't. She's so damn stubborn, that made her want to show them. I had barely taken her training wheels off. She did it, she took that bike off the ramp, Jax still swears to this day she was a good seven feet off the ground. But she couldn't land it for shit. Broke her arm, and I mean horrific looking, Jax damn near passed out looking at it. She got up, picked up her bike with the other arm and walked over to the office, not shedding a tear. She knocks on the door and says, "Mama, I think I need to go to the hospital." I see her arm and I scream, but she stayed calm the whole time. Tried to comfort us, she's the one with her arm bent funny."

I had sat down somewhere in that story and let out a quick chuckle.

"Harley is a fighter" Gemma nodded with a stern pride. "It's gonna take more than this to take out my girl."

We turned to see Jax's old lady walking towards us. "Harley should be fine" Tara nodded. "We haven't seen any bleeding or broken bones. She's still unconscious and we need to have her awake to further examine her, but she's looking good other than a purple rib cage."

"Thank god" Gemma sighed. "What about Chibs?"

"Stable, but critical" she nodded. "He has a blood clot, hopefully it passes. If it builds up pressure, we'll have to go in. Chibs is being moved for observation. Harley is being moved to a room."

"Can we see her" I asked?

"Yeah" she nodded to me, "I'll see where they're putting her." She turned back to the nurse's station as Gemma started shifting in her chair.

"I'm gonna head back" Gemma told me. I was a little surprised at this. Considering the story I was just told about her little fighter, I thought she'd want to be there when she woke up. "I'll get her place in order for her, like she did for me. Do you mind staying with her?"

"I uh" I stammered. I typically had a decent poker face, not today, I guess.

"I lost a child already" she explained, reading my expression. "Today I thought I lost another. I'm not ready to see her like that."

I can't do this again. It made sense now

"Yeah" I nodded assertively, "I can stay."

"Good" she nodded getting to her feet and sliding her purse over her shoulder. "Some one will be along to watch over Chibs too" she added and headed down the hall.

Tara came back and told me they didn't have Harley in a room just yet, and it might be a bit, but someone would let me know. It was another hour give or take before I was approached and brought to her room. I stopped a few feet in, to process what I saw. She was out, she looked like she was just sleeping, not ko'ed. She was hooked up to a heart monitor to keep an eye on her, and she had an IV in. I walked in beside her bed and stood over her for a moment. Her soft pink lips were slightly parted, and I could hear her gentle breathing, I found it soothing. Then I would look at the surroundings and tense up again. She's going to be okay, I reminded myself. There was a chair against the wall near the bed I situated myself in as I sat in thought, just listening to her breathing. God knows what time it was when the sound finally lulled me to sleep.

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