Chapter 39 Warrant is out, time for a wedding

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*Couple of quick notes. I wanted to take a second to dedicate this chapter to two readers. Liteangelfan88, and Sdelaneyx, I want to dedicate the chapter to you. I try to make sure I follow up with new readers to thank them for taking the time to read. However the two of you are not new and with the notifications I see from you two, I would flood your walls with thanks if I posted every time. That's why I wanted to take a second to tell you every time I see the notification from you guys I smile. Thank you so much for going with me as I write this story.

Also looks like you guys (all the readers) have taken Harley and Face to 3000 views! So thank you so much for that as well. 

Alright...I'll shut up now. 


When we pulled into mom's driveway the cops had already arrived. We stepped into the house and saw the utter wreckage.

"Jesus Christ" Mom hissed.

I didn't say a word, simply put my hand over my mouth and surveyed the destruction of my childhood home.

We spotted Unser, beat to shit. "Wayne are you okay" Mom asked?

"I'm fine" he quickly dismissed her. "There was like four of them, blindsided me. Didn't have a chance. Sorry about your place."

"So you weren't here Gemma" Roosevelt gained our attention?

"No" Unser replied. "Only me."

"Wayne was lookin in on her" Clay replied, earning a smug grin from Roosevelt. "We're separated, I worry" he snapped.

"So you have no idea who would want to trash --."

"No" Mom cut him off with a glare, trying to start the cleanup.

"Suspicious phone calls" He asked her?

"Save it" she snapped. "I don't know shit."

"Ok" he nodded. "Well I've already told Face and Harley over here" he pointed to us, though I'm pretty sure everyone else forgot we were there. "If any of this feud blows back on innocents, I will call gang task force and have Charming locked down." He threw his card on the table, "If you remember anything, give me a call."

"Find my safe" Clay called after him.

"I'll call Jax" I offered to mom. As I got out my phone I looked at Clay, "You can go, we got it from here."

"You know I lived here too little girl" he replied to me.

"And now you don't" I nodded and left the room to make the call.

By the time I came back out, my demand had been granted, Clay was gone. Face had a cigarette in his mouth and was helping Bobby to salvage some mangled furniture.

"Jesus Christ" Bobby shook his head.

"The photos" I heard mom gasp. I turned to see her fighting back a flood of tears, picking up a shattered frame and carefully removing the picture of my siblings and I with popsicle-stained mouths.

I took it from her and chuckled. "They don't look too beat up mom" I attempted to comfort. "I'll take em. Get them reframed where I got the ones from the clubhouse."

She nodded without word and smoothed her hands down her stomach, walking away from the destruction. Bobby walked over and stood beside me. He bent down and picked up another picture with a smile handing it to me. "This has always been one of my favorites" he handed me the picture. I took it from him and saw the picture was me in my graduation gown outside TM with all of the club. All smiles, it was a happier time.

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