Chapter 47: The Rat

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The rest of our little powwow in chapel had consisted of talking about our last loose end, could also be referred to as our last witness. Frankie laid it all out, painting a pretty picture when he had us at gunpoint at Diosa. We'd hoped that he would have divulged a little more when he had Chibs. Sadly he preferred to give him excuses or verbal barbs, nothing that would serve us further. And sure as hell not enough for us to bring this back to the table. We needed It right from the horse's mouth.

Between Go-go's attack on Unser and Greg's on Harley, there was only one nomad still standing to corroborate the story. The Nomads were brought in to do Clay's dirty work and get him back at the head of the table. Clay had offered them big compensation at the end of it. Nomads don't tend to have a lot of motivators, aside from cash and all three were pissed they didn't see their payout.

A little tidbit that Frankie let slip was how Clay threatened Greg if he went near Harley. The man knew more about that little fuck than the rest of us did, including how he could be dangerous in her proximity. Not that I ever thought of Clay as a grand master when it came to making intelligent plans, but damn if that wasn't fucked up. If the man didn't have a massive target on his back as far as I was concerned before, he did now.

Go-go man. I'd be lyin if I didn't say that one had a sting to it. Go-go was a brother in arms to me. I never took him for being such an underhanded prick. Something must have changed since I left the nomads. He told me he never understood why I patched into a chapter, called me pussy drunk from Harley. To protect her honor and my rep, in that order, I told him to watch his fucking mouth. But let's face it, he wasn't wrong.

The retaliation was the latest order of business. That said a handful of us knew this had to be played very carefully, we needed Frankie alive. Alive he could reveal Clay for what he was. Chibs and Bobby knew a little more than the rest, but the history of his betrayals? That was still just Jax and I.

Hap had worked on the intel locating Frankie. He reached out to a rather high-ranking Nomad. Not that Nomads really ranked, but this one was a popular guy, well respected, Quinn. So yeah, maybe I got a little defensive when not only his integrity was questioned, but who it was questioning it.

"We're going off the intel of a former nomad" Clay attempted to challenge? It was no shock he would want to discredit the source of course. He knew what Frankie knew.

"Need I remind you that you're sitting at the table with two former nomads" I asked in a threatening growl? "One of who is taking the actions of the three in question real personal."

Clay backed down from his accusations. He knew questioning the credibility of myself or Hap would be ill advised. Not to mention, he knew I was onto him as much as his stepson.

"Not to mention this comes from Quinn" I added, my eyes surveying the reactions of the table. "I'll leave the legitimacy of his intel up to the decision of the jury."

"Never known a more dedicated nomad than Quinn" Happy interjected nodding to me for backup. I think the history with Hap made me exceptionally comfortable with him. If anyone knows anything about Happy, they know how fucked up that comment was. "Told me Frankie was in Tahoe and gotten himself a little mob protection. Leo Pirelli."

"Pirelli is reasonable" Bobby chimed in optimistically. "We should go in quiet, Tell him what we had going on, see if we could get him on board."

Juice had posed a valid question that was more valuable than he realized, "What do we do with Frankie when we get our hands on him?"

Chibs was enthused by the thought of decapitation, a true Sargent in Arms... and considering the chunk taken out of his skull, I understood. Jax however insisted we press him on the attacks first. I couldn't help but notice the way Clay started to shift in his seat when that order was laid out.

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