Chapter 31 Finally Talking

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*Milestone post. I want to thank you all for taking this story to 1500 views, thus resulting in a bonus post today. I've been reaching out to thank some of you who have liked, commented added or followed (if I missed you or haven't reached you yet, I'm sorry, I also try not to do it right away, to give you a chance to check it out). This was the third fan fiction I have published on this site, and none have grown as quickly as this one. I'm also coming up on my 1 year anniversary of my first post on this site, so it's sort of an exciting time for me. I will say if I ever fall behind with posting this one, I find this harder to write, simply because there is more of a complexity to this story to begin with. This chapter for example I rewrote 5 different times because I wasn't happy with the results. I legit was getting this ready for next week when I saw a milestone. On that note, better get back to it then. Thank you again so much


"Yeah" I answered my cell phone abruptly. Mom had just stepped out to talk to dad in the clubhouse. Something was eating her; she was distracted all morning in the office. That was blatantly obvious given the total mess she left the desk in. I was searching for a missing invoice in the clutter when the call came in. Sure, why not add to the ever-growing pile of bullshit in front of me.

"Harley." Jax's voice was low, and he was out of breath. "Someone attacked Tara."

I pumped the brakes; the bullshit could wait. I furrowed my brow, not quite processing what I heard, but gently reacting to the tone of my brother's voice. "What" I gasped?

"They're taking her to St. Thomas" he explained, giving me only pieces of the story.

There was helplessness in his voice, and my instincts took over. "Uh, okay" I replied getting the pile into something that resembled manageable. "Where are the boys" I asked with assertion?

"Can you call Alita" he asked me, as if this was some sort of burden to me? "Ask her to meet us at the house?"

"Like hell" I told him. When my family was in crisis, the hired help wasn't going to be the one caring for my nephews. I found my keys on the desk and grabbed my purse on the old couch against the wall. "You go to St. Thomas. I'll meet you there, I'll take the boys. That way you can focus on Tara and not worry."

"I don't know how long this will take" his tone hadn't changed.

"Did I ask" I snapped, irritated he didn't just assume I would take this on? "Just get to the hospital. I'll see you soon." I slung my purse over my shoulder and tossed my cell phone in. "Sash. I gotta go" I called into the garage gaining her attention and Face's

She rushed into the office, watching me scramble to get my shit together. "What happened?"

"Tara was attacked" I told her quietly, my eyes wandering to the door to the garage. "Jax has her and the boys. They're headed to St. Thomas. I'm getting the boys."

Sasha stood in shock for a second. She shook her head realizing this was not the time to freeze up. "Go" she told me. "I'll fill Face in."

I gave her a final nod, shooting out the front door of the office, while she summoned Face in.

I marched into the clubhouse and spotted mom, gently closing the chapel doors behind her, visibly mulling over her interaction with dad. I caught her attention and her expression changed as she read my energy. "What's wrong" she asked me, narrowing her eyes?

"Someone attacked Tara" I replied, out of breath from my sprint. "I'm going to get the boys. You wanna come with me for Jax?"

"Uh." her expression mimicked Sasha's as she processed the news. "Yeah" she replied shaking her head and following my lead out to the parking lot.

Nearing my car, I spotted Face already sitting on his bike, waiting for my word. "Hospital" he asked me with only the one word?

"Yup" I replied in a similar fashion. I climbed up into my car and mom hopped in the passenger side. I pulled out of my parking space and out of the TM parking lot.

"Did he tell you anything" Mom asked desperately?

Realizing I was going to have to be the Teller to keep their cool, I did just that. "Just that there was an accident" I shook my head.

"Are the boys okay" She asked, as panic started to creep in?

The thought had crossed my mind too and sat uncomfortably in the pit of my stomach. "I think so" I replied. I think my tone was a little cold though I was trying to be stern. "He didn't mention them, other than getting them home."

"Christ" she shook her head. I looked at mom and she was pale. More shaken up than I thought the situation warranted if I'm being honest.

"What" I asked furrowing my brow?

"What what" she asked me defensively? "Isn't this enough?"

"Looks like" I replied with a huff.

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