Chapter 53 Ruffled Feathers

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*Know what? Fuck it. I've had this chapter ready for a while so guess what? I'm posting. We're gonna have bigger gaps between chapters most likely, but here it is. It's back*


What a fucking shit show. And I was the fucking moron who married into it. I say it like I wouldn't do it all over again given the chance, but one look from Harley, I would. In a fucking heartbeat, I would. I put up with all of this for her. I remember a time when the families connected to this chapter were a selling point for me, of course back then I didn't expect to get roped into one of them. I'd hoped to get invited to dinner now and then, but now? I had a specified spot at the dinner table.

Clay was behind bars for something we all knew he didn't do but didn't give a fuck. He deserved so much worse than he was getting. On the flip side, my sister in-law did not.

Tara had been taken into custody a few weeks ago. Charges of Conspiracy.  Otto Delaney brutally murdered that ex cop's sister. Shit hit the fan on that one, and more than one of us were wearin it.

Bobby being MIA meant the VP seat had gone to Chibs, appropriately. Jax had approached me for the Sargent patch. He did this quietly because he figured I would turn it down. He figured right. I was where I wanted. I didn't want to be the one to take a bullet for him, I would, as much as I would for any of my brothers. But to be on him constantly? That was a role for someone who didn't have a family. The most natural choice being of course Happy. Blood thirsty, and loyal to a fault. My boy deserved it more than me. I hoped Jax had somehow missed this in his thought process and didn't just offer me the patch because I married and knocked up his sister.

Since the night Tara had been arrested I had been watching Tig. I didn't make it obvious, but Harley was right when she invited him to help move our shit back into our room, he needed that. She had her fingers on the pulse of the members. Not the club, not the business, the people, her family. She recognized before most the struggle that Tig was going through. Justifiably. The man watched his daughter burn alive, the other shut him out telling him how she hated him, he lost his identity in the club and questioned everything he knew about it. The man lost his place in the world. Harley was reminding him of his place in her family. My girl was good, and as fierce as she was, for those she loved, she had the biggest heart I had ever seen. She was still watching Tig herself, but I had picked up the slack when she couldn't. It was funny really. If you told me a year ago, I would be bonding with Tig, I would have laughed in your face.

Harley, she hadn't slowed down. If anything, she had kicked her shit into high gear. She was considered a high-risk pregnancy where it was multiples, so in actuality she should have been resting more. I can't count how many times I spotted Chucky hosing out the TM garbage can because she worked through her morning sickness. Sasha at some point became the expert on how to soothe the nausea. Thank god for that one. She came a long way with Harley since I'd arrived that was for damn sure.

Fortunately, the sickness wasn't as regular these days, letting up on her a little, because life didn't. She was waddling her ass out of bed every morning to help Jax with the boys. The drive was getting harder for her, the bump making the stretch to the steering wheel just that, a stretch. I started doing more of the driving for her and got Sasha to subtly start offering to drive in my absence.

She grumbled as she adjusted in the passenger seat beside me. Another early morning at her brother's house.

"You good" I asked?

"Fan fucking tastic" She muttered.

"You know your mother has the boys covered" I offered. "You don't actually have to go over every morning."

"Yes I do" she nodded. "I do it for Tara. I tend to respect her wishes a little better than my dearest mother."

The last part could have gone without saying. I couldn't help but wonder how much Gem was relishing this. This was her ideal family dynamic. She was fine with Harley and me, I'd set boundaries and I dunno what it was with Harley, if she just had confidence in her as an old lady, but she didn't try and micromanage her. Jax was a completely different story. Gemma wanted to feel needed constantly with her boy. Truth was Tara took that from her, and she didn't handle it well. It was peaceful to not have the two locking horns over and over, but I'll be damned if there wasn't a boom coming.

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