Rather give you quality

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I'm walking into this with a massive apology. I have a chapter, but I'm really unhappy with it. Unlike my other Fanfictions that I can write almost anywhere, the intense dialogue and situations in this show means it requires a deeper level of attention. Between sick kids, cars breaking down and just having zero time for me, I haven't been able to sit down and really give this tumultuous time in Harley's story the thought it needs. This is not a subject I can skate over, there has to be real invested time in the emotions of this character and forcing it has never worked for me. SO I will be taking another week minimum before bringing back the Samcro Princess. I know I'm making you wait, but there are chapters I have posted that I'm only meh on. I'm not at meh yet and I feel that justifies a delay. 

I will mention too my main SPN fan fiction, Robin Singer is closing in on 13000 views and I'm coming very close to being in the same boat with that story. However if you are like me and cross over to that fandom as well, honestly I feel it's my superior work. 

Staying on the SPN theme, I also took an old and "completed" story out of retirement. My villainous Jaded has seen the least amount of foot traffic, maybe because I wrote the villains. But it did hit 1000 views and I made a promise to bring it back...if only I had that kind of development time on all my projects. 

My hope is to have Harley and Face back to you in November, because I take a hiatus from all of my stories in December. I hope I don't take this one longer. Keep your eyes peeled. I'm going to do my best here  

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