Chapter 44: The Monster on the Bed

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*Typically speaking I mention if there is going to be excess violence or smut, but this chapter comes with a trigger warning. While I don't think it's excessive in comparison to the show, there is subject matter of a sexually violent nature. Reader discretion is advised. *


The sun was barely coming up when my phone started ringing. I looked at the number, Nero. "Yeah."

"I don't want to scare you here Harley, but your mom got herself in a little mess."

I sat up. He had my attention, "Is she okay?"

"Fine. Mostly embarrassed. I called your brother, said he's on his way."

Face's phone started ringing and he grumbled sitting up.

"Fine" I asked? "That why Face's phone is going off?"

"I called Jax to deal with the shit. I called you for your mother."

"Yeah" I grumbled. "Send me a location."

"Yeah" Face grunted as I got to my feet and found my pants. "Yeah, he called Harley too. We're comin." He grunted again and got to his feet. "What the fuck did she do now?"

"I don't know" I grumbled. "I'll go wake Sasha."

"She needs to come too" He asked?

"Last time one of the break-in's happened they killed the chick" I replied. "Yeah, she comes too."

"Fair enough" he shrugged.

I went and woke Sasha and the three of us were out of the house within the half hour. The sun was up by the time that we met Nero and the others. He gave us the location of a motel. Apparently this is where mom had hauled up. We pulled in and she looked, as Nero said. Embarrassed.

Bobby and Tig headed for the office to question them on the situation. Apparently mom had found a rando with mommy issues...or that was his sell. No he grifted her. Fucked her and when she was in the bathroom stole her shit, her car included.

"Got my guys looking for the SUV" Nero told Jax as we crossed the lot to mom.

"If I wanted them to come I would have called them" Mom said quietly to Nero.

"What the hell happened" Jax asked her?

"Crashed here last night and some one stole my Cadi" she said quietly.

"Someone" Jax nodded heading for the room.

"Are you okay" I asked her as my brother took stock of the night before.?

"I'm fine" she tried to brush it off.

I can't say I was ever played like this, but I'd had these mornings after before. Some hot guy just passing through. Gives you a night to remember and is gone before sunrise. There was a shame to that. My mother would react no doubt like I used to, like it didn't bother her. That she lived outside of society and didn't need to conform to what they believe is right or wrong. If a man can, why can't a woman. I wasn't going to harp on that part. No she didn't need that, not now. "He didn't hurt you" I clarified?

"No baby" she took my hand and gave me a thankful squeeze.

Jax popped out with a half empty quart. "Since when do you drink banana vodka?"

Mom hung her head in shame. "I uh" She nodded to Nero. "Woke up to take a piss and he stole my wallet and SUV. I don't remember his name."

Jax came out of the room shaking his head at her. "Jesus Christ. Who are you?"

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