Chapter 7 Not Safe in Charming

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We were in orange jumpsuits faster than we could blink. The Aryan brotherhood were eyeing us up as soon as we hit the yard, ties to Weston and Zobelle no doubt. Clay was working towards getting us protection. The deals with the niners on the outside gained us potential allies on the inside, provided we help them get two targets they were after. One was in solitary for snitching, our ticket to this asshole was offering him a piece of ass that was his type. His type was Juice. He begrudgingly agreed and was successful without getting a dick up his ass. Instead, the Aryan's shived him and he was in the hospital. He was healing still, but gonna be okay.

The other was on the outside. Clay got his hands on a phone and had put Opie on the job. After getting in a quick call, he looked pissed. "We gotta get the hell out of here" he growled.

"No shit" Jax nodded.

"Your sister is attempting to pick up the slack in our absence" Clay told him. "Tryin to get her hands dirty."

"I mean" Jax shrugged. "I would've patched her in years ago."

"I guess she's feeling better" I scoffed. The comment was part making light of her feisty attitude, half asking the actual question.

"I guess that's somethin." Clay had appreciated my joke for a nice change of pace. "Her record is long enough."

"Oh she has one" I chuckled?

"Harley is not to be fucked with" Bobby replied.

"Mostly destruction" Jax nodded.

"Only one assault charge stuck" Clay added.

"Hurricane Harley" Tig smiled.

"Hurricane Harley" Happy chuckled in agreement.

Clay got hauled out that day. I was optimistic. It seemed as though his attitude towards me had softened and looked like Jax was about to mend fences. But Clay came back swinging at Jax. They had a straight up brawl, with Bobby telling us they needed it. He was probably right. The tension had become too much, it needed to blow.

It wasn't all that long after the dust up, we were told we made bail, and we were going home.

The fight didn't seem to improve anything. The silent tension in that van could be cut with a knife, and I did not give a fuck. I barely noticed the silence because all I was thinking of was Harley.

We pulled into the parking lot and the silence continued. Jax headed in one direction and the club in the other. I spotted two women come from the office. Neither was Harley. It was Gemma and Tara. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but it was short lived. When I got into the bar, Harley was behind it. She read the room and silently set out beers.

"We're going to have a chat later" Clay told her, grabbing his beer and walking into the chapel with Tig and Bobby.

"Welcome home" she nodded to him, surprised by her cold greeting.

The door slammed shut.

Happy grabbed his beer and nodded to her. "Thanks Harley" he nodded.

"Welcome home Hap" she forced a smile, still feeling defeated.

Happy walked out of the bar and headed to his room.

I grabbed my beer and sat down at the bar. "Hi" I smiled at her.

She came around the front and sat beside me. "Hi" she replied. "What the fuck happened?"

I looked her up and down and she was officially killing me, she was wearing a sundress, with her knee-high boots and leather jacket. I could barely think straight enough to respond to her. All I could think of was getting up that skirt.

"Smoke" I asked her?

"Yeah" she nodded grabbing her beer. We walked out to my spot outside the clubhouse. She pulled a crate up in front of mine and sat down. "They fought didn't they" she asked as she lit her cigarette?

"Oh yeah" I nodded.

"Fuck" she shook her head. "That should have done it."

"Shoulda" I replied.

"First stint with red wood behind bars" she nodded to me, changing the subject. "How was that?"

"Like Disneyland" I muttered as I lit my cigarette.

"Enjoy the rides" she smirked?

She was smug and I wanted to take her down a peg or two. I looked at her with a grin as I exhaled. "Still haven't gotten to the ride I want to get on."

Her smirk grew wider across her face.

Proud of myself I grinned wider, and followed up with, "You wear the sundress for me?"

"No, I wore the sundress for me" she scoffed. I shrugged, swing and a miss. "The lack of panties is for you."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise, now that had my undivided attention. "You're bluffing" I folded my arms and leaned back against the building.

She shifted her crate a little closer and parted her knees. "One way to find out" she told me holding her chin high, challenging me.

I stared her down for a second. Then I looked around the empty lot. My hand landed on her knee, and she smirked. I slid it up under her skirt, slipping along her inner thigh, building up both of our anticipation until I could slide up no further. She wasn't bluffing. I rubbed my fingers into her clit and she let out a sharp breath.

"You're wet" I told her.

"No shit" she sighed as I continued to rub, eliciting a serious reaction from her.

I rubbed more and she spread her legs further before I slid a finger in her. She whimpered closing her eyes and moving closer to me.


"For fuck sake" she growled. "What" she shouted?

I heard Gemma walking out towards us. I slid my hand out of her skirt and she huffed in disappointment. She closed her legs and adjusted.

"Tara is out of formula" she told her. "Any chance you can grab some for her?" Gemma came into sight and put her hands on her hips when she spotted us.

"Yeah mom" she lowered her head before looking up at me with her doe eyes. "Gotta go" she whispered.

"Yeah" I whispered back.

"Face" Gemma waved me over. "A word?"

"Yeah" I nodded. I crushed out my cigarette and watched as Harley walked across the parking lot. We could not fucking catch a break.

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