Chapter 57: Too Soon

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"My water broke." Her voice trembled in a whisper. How I only heard silence in the midst of children crying and sirens ringing out was nothing short of a wonder. The sound of my heart thrumming in my chest and watching despair take her over, that was my reality.

I looked at her, feeling helpless. There were a lot of things I could protect her from, but this? My hands were tied here. "Tara" I called out. I couldn't think of anything else to do. I felt the same way she did. Terrified. Terrified something happened to her, something happened to my kids, or would happen to one of them, all of them. It was too soon. But I couldn't let her see this. No, I promised she wouldn't see my fear. I thought I had a few more weeks to perfect that, but I didn't. "Tara hurry" I called.

My sister-in-law rushed over, Thomas still fearfully sobbing in her arms. "What's wrong" she asked sternly?

"Her water broke" I spat out. I didn't even realize the words escaped my lips until I heard them.

Tara seemed to be in a similar state for about a second. Fortunately, medical school had given her the ability to snap out of it. She took a breath and nodded turning into Dr. Knowles. "Jax" she called. "Come take Thomas."

Jax soon rushed over still clutching Abel in his arms, fear still plastered on his face. "What happened" he asked?

"Harley's water broke" She told him. "Take Thomas."

Jax's reaction was a similar song and dance. He looked around the parking lot until his eyes landed on his mother. "Mom, it's Harley" he called. I'm sure at this point we had the crowd's attention, but I was too fixed on her to notice.

She looked up at me as tears filled her eyes.

"Harley, it's going to be okay" Tara told her calmly. "We just need to get you to the hospital."

She nodded as I watched the first tear escape. "It's too soon isn't it" she asked her? "My babies aren't going to make it."

"Because they're twins it's actually a better survival rate" Tara nodded. "They're working together okay?"

"Okay" she whimpered.

"What happened" Gemma rushed over? "Is she okay?"

"Her water broke" Tara told her. "We need to get her to St. Thomas, now."

"Everything okay over here" Roosevelt asked, visibly stunned by what he just witnessed?

"Fuck" Harley winced.

"Contraction" Tara asked her?

"I think so" she nodded.

"She's in labor" Tara told the sheriff.

"We have an ambulance on the way" Roosevelt nodded. "Is there anyone else inside?"

"We were the last ones out" I told him. "Everyone else is accounted for."

"Alright" Roosevelt nodded. "I'll send the bus right over to you when it gets here."

"Face" Tara nodded to me. "I want you to support her head on your thigh and hold her hand. I'll call it in, get them ready for her."

"I'm going with you" Gemma announced.

"She's going to emergency" Tara shook her head getting to her feet and putting her phone to her ear. "They'll only let one person in with her."

"Then it's going to be me" Gemma nodded.

"Like hell" I snarled at her.

"That's my daughter" Gemma spat at me.

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