Chapter 19 Forgiveness, Not Permission

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I had been back at TM holding down the fort for the day. Mom had her statement and a lot of shit with her lawyer going on, I was more useful at home.

The guys had been busy. Jax was unloading the rest of the prescription drugs they'd gotten their hands on. New alliances had been forged with the Mayans, we'd have to see how that one went. There was a new crop of prospects voted in. They talked to my tits and one went so far as to ask if he needed to take orders from me. Face roared at him for disrespecting his old lady, while Jax reminded them I was the princess.

There had also been a patch-in vote early that day. Happy had basically been on loan to us from the Nomad chapter. Not anymore, he was Samcro now. Watching he and Face celebrating made me smile.

Maybe it was the shared Nomad history or they were both enforcers who didn't say much, but there was a bond there. Happy was a welcomed addition.

There was another vote that morning, the other was Kozik, and I sorta expected the outcome. Tig couldn't have it, I got it. He was with Kozik the way I was with Sasha. That said I'd buried some shit to survive, Samcro was getting real fucking close to the same.

I hated to admit it, but recently, Sasha had been a serious asset. She held down TM almost as good as I did and here lately I'd needed that. It wasn't completely foreign to her. Mom had tried putting her to work there more than once over the years.

Sasha sort of grew up in this world too, though to a lesser extent. Her dad had crossed the club when they were kids and disappeared. Out of desperation her mom came to the club. She became a crow eater, for years. When we were teenagers, she became an old lady to a member in Indian Hills, but he didn't want kids. As a result, Sasha's mom bolted. Mom offered to take Sasha in when we were in High School, instead the club paid for her apartment. When we were kids it became the place to party. I'd been arrested there more than once.

When I cut her off, she repeated the cycle and became a crow eater herself. She'd offered to as soon as she turned eighteenth, but mom wouldn't have it back then. It would seem She'd reconsidered that situation now, because she seemed thrilled to be off her knees these days.

She was in the shop while I was in the club when it happened.

"Raid! Hands where I can see em. Come out from behind there." I put my hands behind my head with a gun pointed at my face while I slowly came around the bar.

On the ground, now. They ordered me. The chapel doors opened and Face's complexion turned red. "Get your fucking hands off her" he boomed.

A chorus of warning calls to my man sounded. I joined in as my stomach touched down on the floor.

I didn't hear another word come from him, so I assumed he complied. We were filed outside so they could flip the place.

When we got out, Face's first stop was to check on me. His arms were around my waist and he kissed my forehead. "You okay?"

"Not my first time baby" I told him. He kissed me again, allowing me to resume my duties.

In mom's absence, I was in charge of checking on the girls. A handful of croweaters were huddled in the corner. "You girls alright?"

Mallory, one of the younger ones with pink streaks looked a little shaken up. "First time sweetheart" I asked her? I don't know if my gentle tone startled her or what but her eyes grew bigger as she nodded to me. "You did good" I nodded to her. "They won't be here long, okay? We'll be fine." I looked to the others, "we all good?"

"Yeah" Veronica replied. Veronica was one of the older ones. She was hugging one of the other younger girls trying to comfort her. There was no chance this was her first time. She gave me a thoughtful nod. "Thanks Harley."

"Let me know if I can help with anything" I nodded.

I watched as the mechanics and Sasha were led over to us at gunpoint.

"I got a lot of shit to do here" Sasha spat. "I don't come to your office and bust your balls."

"Sasha" I called, and her head snapped in my direction. "Shut up."

She went silent as she and the others joined us on the platform.

"What the fuck was that" I asked her? "Not your first rodeo."

"I'm doing my fucking best in there Harley" she hissed in a whisper. "I have a rhythm."

"A rhythm" I scoffed?

"I don't want to disappoint you" she told me.

I glared at her for a second. "You did catch the irony in that sentence right?" Really? She didn't want to disappoint me? Honestly most days lately, I could stomach Sasha. Hell I even smirked when she was in the room. But that triggered me, I don't know why but it did. Now? Now she didn't want to disappoint?

I walked back to Face, knowing I needed to curb my temper, now was not the time. I put my arms around him and slid my hands in his back pockets. He was leaned up against the wall but pulled me to him. "You need something baby" he asked me?

"This" I buried my face into his chest. "Just this."

Their raid turned up nothing. The club didn't shit where they eat. The Sheriff team was filing out with a sprinkling of Charming's finest. The kick to the nads I felt when Unser told us he couldn't help us anymore? Nothing compared to watching him walk in, us having no prior knowledge. He avoided eye contact as he followed the others outside the clubhouse.

I knew dad wouldn't be letting him off easy, but didn't expect him to follow him to his cruiser. After a heated discussion he returned announcing, "cancer boy is dead to us."

Jax walked over to dad. The two nodded when Dad looked at me and waved me over. "Harley, Face" he called. "Family business at the hospital."

"Mom okay" I asked quickly?

"She's fine" Jax nodded. "We just have a situation that could use a little tugging at the heartstrings. Figure the family united is going to help grease the wheels."

They filled me in before we walked into the hospital rooms. Their bail hearing had been pushed back a few days, so leaving the country was illegal but they weren't fugitives, yet.

They needed a way to quietly duck into Belfast and back home with none being the wiser. Elliot Oswald was their best bet.

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