Chapter 20 The Long Trip

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* I'm sitting here writing the season finale and thought I would check the stats. Spotted we hit 300 views, so  bonus post is in order. Thought I would take a sec to mention something too. There's going to be a break between the seasons. Also I desperately miss writing Face, so we'll be headed back to his perspective. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the rest of this one. Thanks again for reading.*

What can I say? The flight wasn't in luxury by any means, didn't even have peanuts. I had actually packed a cooler for the boys before we left, but it was well rationed on the way. I fell asleep on the flight. Must've gotten used to the roar of the plane's engines. Face had pulled me into him, and I slept on his chest. I woke up when they needed all hands on deck. I didn't wear a cut, but when Samcro gathered, it appeared for now anyway, I was in the loop.

"When we land, the Manchester charter will be meeting us" Dad explained. They will have 2 vans to take us and our gear. My Van will be, Me, Gem, Bobby, and Juice. Jax is taking Harley, Face, Chibs, Ope and Hap." I nodded to my brother respectfully. When we arrived, my legs were wobbly to say the least. Jax rode up front with Chibs. The rest of us hopped in the back with a few of the Manchester crew.

"So," one looked at me, with a grin. I'm not sure I would call it friendly. "The infamous Samcro Princess. We didn't expect you."

"The infamy has died down since she became an old lady", Face said in nearly a growl as he pulled me a little tighter to him.

"She also doesn't only have a brother in the front seat" Opie warned.

Opie sat across from me, I watched his jaw tighten as he looked straight ahead. The rest of the drive to the boat was met with silence.

When we arrived, I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to stepping onto one again, considering what happened last time. None the less, I popped some gravol grabbed my bag and stepped onto the ferry. So far, the trek had been without issue. It couldn't be this easy, could it? Would explain the absent father from my childhood I supposed.

I was sitting in a seat near the window when mom came over to check up.

"How you handling all this" She asked?

"I'm fine" I nodded. I mean, I was making myself fine, I needed to be. But my mind was all over the map.

"I, uh know Ireland, uh" She stammered. "You might hold a few grudges."

"Why because this is the place that my birth father chose over us" I asked matter-of-factly?

"Yeah" she huffed shaking her head at me. "That."

"Y'know, I don't think of John all that often" I looked out the window. "I was six, mom. I'm more bitter at the way he hurt you. My dad is Clay. Even when dad was still breathing, Clay was there for me. If I came here without him? Maybe it might be harder, but when I feel that feeling creeping up, I look at dad and I can sort of brush it away."

Mom nodded, absorbing the words I said. They were for the most part true. But they satisfied her. she got to her feet and sashayed over to my dad before the two disappeared for a bit. Gross.

I went for a smoke on the deck of the boat as Dublin came into sight. My brother was already out there, and I looked at him. "So many years I've been told 'Club business'" I confessed. "I feel like I need to check in with you on my orders now."

"You might be wearing a patch before this is over" He chuckled.

"Full patch" I corrected. "Been a prospect for twenty-three years."

"Y'know, I don't think anyone would argue that" He snickered.

"Maybe the prospects" I chuckled back. "You ready for this" I asked, my tone had gone serious?

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