Chapter 18: Cuffed to a Hospital Bed

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* I know I'm late. If I'm being honest, this chapter and the next were written, just required editing. Sort of looking forward to wrapping up this season. I think putting it from Harley's perspective was the right call because of the content, but I really miss writing Face.*

This family had seen enough of hospitals to last a lifetime, that was for damn sure. Mom had been rushed in the night before, all of us in tow. Fortunately, it was just bad arrhythmia, not a heart attack. Some combination of Dad, Jax and I had been by her bed the whole night. We'd had Face pop in every so often, checking in or bringing us something. Tara's shift had started a couple of hours before mom woke up but wake, she did. So now here we sat. The four of us, and now mine and Jax's significant others were dragged into the family drama. It was made abundantly clear when Mom called Tara back into the room with a, "This is on you too, Doc", she knew about Abel.

"What happened" she glared at my brother?

"When Cameron killed Sack, he took Abel and Harley too" Jax admitted with a sigh.

"Harley?" Her head shot in my direction and her look turned from simmering rage to protective concern.

"Harley convinced him to take her" Dad spoke up. You could hear him cringing, preparing to take mom's wrath. Since Abel had been born, Jax and I had moved down the bench in adoration. But Abel was Jax's son, she tended to respect that. I however was her child, the news about me being withheld from her? God help us all. "So she could know Abel was safe."

"Lotta good it did" I scoffed.

"What happened there" she asked me, her jaw was jutted out as though she was deciding if my answer would give me some reprieve?

"Had the gun on Abel" I said quietly, I was now scowling myself. "Ordered me to the side of the boat. Knocked me out, threw me overboard."

"Jesus Christ" Mom hissed at Dad. "You didn't think I should have known that either?"

"Face got her out quick" Dad nodded. "We had a little scare but look at her now. She's fine."

"If my kid had died, would you have told me then" she snapped at him?

I looked at her monitors and saw her blood pressure rising. "Mom" I said gently. "Please, just breath."

She shot me a warning glare before she turned back to Jax. "What do we know" She asked him?

"We've been working with a bounty hunter" He explained. "Tracked Abel to Vancouver." He pulled out the screenshot of the camera footage with Cameron and Abel, that we'd all seen at this point.

"Yeah" Mom scoffed. "Well Abel isn't in Vancouver, he's in Belfast." My head whipped in the direction of my brother. "The one who I was on the phone with? One who triggered all of this? Maureen Ashby" she nodded to my father.

"Who is Maureen Ashby" Jax asked?

"McGee's old lady" Dad's brow furrowed?

"No, we had O'Neill tell us Abel wasn't there." Jackson shook his head, not accepting that perhaps this brother wasn't on the level.

"Then someone is full of shit" Mom huffed. Her blood pressure rose again, this time triggering the alarms that would bring a nurse rushing in to check on her, and dismiss all of us from the room. No one was prepared to push back as we were ushered out to the sterile hall.

"Well, this speaks volumes for your gut feeling" I muttered to Jax crossing my arms.

"We need to talk to McGee" Jax shook his head, looking to dad for guidance.

"If we have one who is compromised over there" Face spoke up, having the balls to say what we were all thinking. "Who's to say more aren't?"

"Nah man" Jax's denial was leading him. "McGee is first nine."

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