Story Update

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More than once I have shared that this fan fiction is more difficult for me to write than my other one. My other one often I can sit and write in notes on my phone then piece it all together. I can do that when it's not interwoven into an existing scene on this one, but that's about it and lets be honest...Gemma doesn't allow for a lot of time that is JUST Harley and Face. My other fan fiction is coming up on it's 2 year anniversary and nearing 200 chapters. What's more the story just came to a major moment that I have been waiting to write( though I never thought I would make it that far) since I started writing. It poured out and took a decent amount of my attention.

That said, I didn't come on here to talk about my Supernatural Fan fiction, I came on here to talk about the Samcro Princess. As I have mentioned in the past, I was not putting a timeline on this hiatus, because I don't want to feel rushed getting this one out. I want to be able to take my time, stockpile some chapters and give you and lets be honest, myself a better story. If I enjoy it, it shows. 

With no deadline, I figure I owe updates. So here is the first real one. I have different methods for writing my two stories, and this one requires me to watch the season in it's entirety to make an outline. Then I go back in and watch it beginning to end again but writing as I go. I wanted to give the update that the outline is done. I just finished watching season 6 and have it put together. As it stands (and it's not official until I publish as far as I'm concerned) here are my teasers.

* The return of a character we never heard from again on the show

* Medical issues for one of my characters

* Digging into the unknown past of Face

* Harley has to pick a side

* Heartbreak 

* Fences mended

* Face setting boundaries

* The reveal of the Twins names

* Why Harley hates Juice

* Face finds out why, so does Jax

* A new Original Character

Could be more, some of this could get cut. But these are the teasers I guess. PS if you wanna share the SOA love with a friend, I do have some work waiting in the Wings if we hit one. As mentioned in my previous post, I wrote the scene from season one where we would have "met Harley." I never wrote season 1, just eluded to happenings. Honestly not sure you would have backed Harley at all if you met her back then, so back peddling was the right call. 

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