Chapter 40 :Sins of The Father

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There are a lot of things I could say about Clay Marrow. Most of them aren't too kind. But like it or not, the man raised me. Biologically he had no ties, but there were traits I'd be lyin if I said I hadn't acquired over the years. One of which was his soldier mentality. This is what would help me get through this shit. Take care of my family, that was my brother's request. A combination of Mom and Clay would be at work with this one, keeping me on point. Not succumbing to the very real possibility, one or more of those four may come out of lock up in a box.

My morning started early. Sasha was becoming to me what I'd been to mom all these years, a right hand. Tara may have been the new Queen in town, but she wasn't overseeing TM or anything to do with the club. Mom had disappeared to Nero's place I think. I approached that with some sensitivity, this time. Not only did her favorite child not invite her to his wedding, but he also just got locked up. There was a decent possibility that might be the last memory she has of him.

My partner in crime and I took off to help Tara with the boys, while Face was meeting early with Bobby to cover what needed covering as far as all the shit going down.

"You don't have to do this Harley" Tara told me as I walked in the door taking Thomas from her.

"You're right I don't" I smiled. "I'm just too damn good though."

Tara chuckled, "Alright. Abel is eating his cereal; you mind getting Thomas changed?"

"Yeah" I nodded looking to Sasha. "You wanna go hang out with little man? If he offers you a cheerio, you're in."

"Sounds good" Sasha nodded with a chuckle.

I followed Tara down the hall. "Any word yet" I asked her?

"Not yet" she sighed watching me walk into the nursery with my nephew. "Bobby said he would let me know as soon as he heard anything."

"I think he and Face are expecting a call from the cartel today" I replied. I took a breath and felt my stomach turn.

"You alright?" Tara must have read my shift.

"Yeah uh" I handed Thomas back to her. "Can you give me a sec?" I ran to the bathroom just barely making it in time to taste my cup of coffee from that morning come up.

"Harley?" Tara asked, her tone was alarmed.

"I'm fine" I replied.

Sasha joined my sister-in-law in the doorway. "Again?"

"This happens a lot" Tara asked?

"I'm fine" I snapped.

"I think she's pregnant" Sasha told Tara with a shrug.

"Shut your mouth" I came back with a warning tone.

"Are you" Tara asked?

"No!" my inflection didn't sell it. I hesitated before a second attempt "I don't know."

"Have you taken a test" Tara asked? "When was your last period?"

"I don't have a regular cycle" I admitted. I looked over at Sasha, "The shit we used to do when we partied, I dunno. I think I fucked that shit up."

"I offered to get her a test" Sasha chimed in.

"You realize she's not my doctor" I attempted to shut her up to no avail thus far... "You're kinda being a rat right now."

"You should take a test" Tara nodded.

"Where" I asked? "At home Face sees it, at TM everyone else does."

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