Chapter 50 New Ventures

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*NFA: This is the 50th chapter and I am honestly surprised this story has gotten the attention it has. I want to thank you for checking it out. My regulars (you know who you are) I see your votes and comments, and I want to say thanks for standing by me. We are getting close to the end of another season, so yes, another Hiatus. I do plan to continue with season 6 but I want several prepared chapters prior. As such, I'm  not setting a return date. Still more of this season, so let's keep going.

*Smut warning*


Mrs. Reid. Fuck that got me hot. Not to mention the fact she was wearing a sundress, and her in a sundress made me incapable of rational thought. Then she went ahead and whispered in my ear as everyone cheered for us. "The lack of panties is for you."

I was doing all I could to get her back to my room. I couldn't get her away from everyone enthusiastically congratulating us.

Finally Gemma threw me a bone. "Okay everyone, I need you all inside" she called over the crowd. "Girls I need to get the food out let's go." She walked over to me and whispered. "No one is going to the TM office."

"Thank you" I whispered back.

As the crowd filed in, I caught Harley's hand and pulled her with me. "I got a surprise for you Mrs. Reid" I told her. Her eyes got dark as she bit her lip at me. I took her across the parking lot, and we reached the office door. I closed it and pushed her up against it barely hovering over her, my chest heaving.

"Mr. Reid, what's this surprise you were talking about?" I watched her tits rise and fall in that little dress of hers.

"You bluffing about the panties" I growled?

She bit her lip again and her eyes went half-mast. "One way to find out."

I reached below the hem of her dress and traced my hand up her thigh, knowing full and well she wasn't bluffing. I started to rub her clit and my lips found her neck, sucking at the flesh as she whimpered at my touch.

"What's your name baby" I growled in her ear?

"Reid" She moaned. "Oh god, Reid."

"I'm so hard for you right now" I bit her earlobe.

"I wanna feel it" she moaned.

I wasn't about to argue that. She lowered the top of her dress while I dropped my pants. I lifted her off the floor and pinned her to the door. I granted her wish and slid into her quickly. She was a little tighter than usual, but she was wet enough for me to slide in. I earned another moan when I held inside her before I thrust again, that got me a gasp.

"I wanna hear it Mrs. Reid" I told her. "Let me know you like it."

She moaned and rolled her head from side to side. "I can't believe you got this together."

"I was dying to fuck my wife" I growled.

"Wanted to make an honest woman out of me" she groaned?

"Wanted to make you mine" I told her breathlessly.

I slammed deep into her and held. "OH FUCK YES" she cried out as she came, and I was triggered mere seconds after her.

My legs pretty well gave out under me, and I laid on my back on the office floor still inside of her. Her hands were on my chest as she straddled me, and she chuckled. "That made it official right? It's consummated?"

"I guess it is" I smiled at her. "I do have to apologize for all the Mrs. Reid stuff" I admitted. "We never talked about what you wanted to be called."

"Well" she pursed her lips and looked down at me. She tightened on my dick and rolled her hips. She was ready to go again. "There are three men who have supposedly loved me all my life. John Teller, hurt me, wasn't there for me and went and had a secret family. Clay Marrow killed my father, then lied to me and beat my mother and that's just the shit I know of. Then there is Conner Reid." She started to roll more rhythmically now. She went on to continue to explain, her tone dripped with pleasure as she rode me. "Who has only ever been there for me, loved me and would move heaven and hell for me."

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