Chapter 30: Don't Need To Hide

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I popped into TM early that morning to drop something off for Sasha. I was about to do a quick check of equipment before I took off over to mom's place.

I was startled when one of the bay doors was open and I spotted Chibs and Jax whispering back and forth.

"You need something" Jax asked when he spotted me?

"Sorry" I replied. "I didn't know anyone was here."

"You headed to mom's" he asked?

"About to" I nodded.

"We'll see you there" he nodded back. It was the politest way someone in this family told me to fuck off in a while. I pushed my weight off the doorframe and locked the door to the office behind me. I grabbed my purse and headed for the front door.

As I turned I spotted something out of the corner of my eye and jumped. "Jesus Christ Juice" I hissed when I spotted him slumped over, sitting on one of the stairs.

"Sorry Harley" he sighed.

I examined him for a second. I can't say I'd given Juice much attention for a very long time, but something was different about him. "What the hell are you doing here" I asked?

"Just waiting for the guys" he grumbled.

This is when I spotted it, the marks on his neck. I used my hand to turn his head to the side and saw the irritated and broken skin. "Juice what the fuck?"

He got to his feet quickly making me step back. "It's nothing, no big deal" he told me.

"Tell that to the pissed off mark across your neck" I replied.

"Just leave it Harley" he stepped closer to me, was he trying to intimidate me? "Please."

I spotted my brother and Chibs emerge from the garage and close the door behind them. I gave Juice one last look of trepidation before I slid on my sunglasses and made my way to my SUV.

When I arrived at mom's, Face was already there. He was pouring himself a cup of coffee when he spotted me, and it magically became mine before he grabbed a second cup and poured for himself. He was watching me closely. "You alright" he asked as his eyes narrowed?

"Just somethin weird" I shook my head. "Tell you later."

"But you're okay" He insisted?

Even distracted, his doting on me wasn't lost. "Yes baby" I whispered smiling up at him. He kissed my forehead and then turned back to the dining room where there were piles of cutlery that he started to distribute.

"Oh honey" Mom told him walking into the room. "Harley can do that."

"I don't mind helping Harley" he nodded to mom.

"Babe" I told him. "I got this. But Mom could probably use your help to get the griddle down from above the counter."

"Sure" he nodded placing the utensils on the table and heading into the kitchen.

"Jesus" mom whispered to me. "How well did I teach you?"

"Oh mom" I sighed. "If you taught me what you are talking about, that would be weird."

She snorted and patted me on the back before she followed Face into the kitchen.


The rest of the club arrived, and we all sat at the table as if we were in chapel. Harley and Gemma served us quietly. As Harley refilled my coffee cup I rubbed her back to thank her. I knew this was the club life and I knew this is what she knew all her life. But there was a part of me that was seriously irritated by the fact my woman was serving these men and very little was said in gratitude towards her.

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