Chapter 23 Suffocated by Hope

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* So um, I posted my milestone bonus post for 400 views 2 days ago...So, here's the bonus post for 500. Thank you so much! On that note I should mention, the next post is the season finale and it's scheduled for Thursday. Thank you once more for hitting another milestone*

I don't know if you've ever noticed but nothing can ever let you down like hope. I'm not sitting here being some sad emo little bitch either. When you have hope and something goes well it's a freaking high. But when you invest your heart into something and it turns out horribly wrong, it's gut wrenching.

Not that I had a great night the night before, but as Face shifted under me, my mind woke up. I realized where my brother had gone, to Kellen. He'd gone for Abel. I popped up with a gasp, startling Face to full consciousness.

"Abel" I gasped before I jumped to my feet and flung the door opened. I ran down the stairs and saw my family gathered with several members of the club too. The stupid smile on my face was not reciprocated, that's when I knew. My hope had taken me high, and dropped me from about a fifty foot height. I sat on the stairs with a sigh, "what happened?"

I realized that Face was behind me when Jax explained, Kellen believed he was keeping a promise to his dearly departed friend. John Winchester never wanted this life for us, yeah, no shit. Kellen said he couldn't protect us, but he would protect John Winchester's grandson from our world.

"Asshole isn't even allowed to get off" I snarled. "The fuck does he know about kids and families?"

"That's my brother you're talking about" Maureen gave me a warning tone.

"Yeah and he's fucking with mine" I barked. "I'm only gonna tell you this once sweetheart, you ain't an old lady anymore and considering recent revelations you might not want to draw my attention."

"Harley" Mom snapped, also giving me a warning tone, this one I heeded.

Maureen left the room. Mom and Jax both glared at me.

"A word" my brother growled at me.
I followed him to another room. "What the hell was that?"

"That was me hitting my breaking point" I snapped. "I get it, you knew the man, but I don't know John Teller okay? All I've had all these years are stories, how he loved his family. I'm sorry you're going to have to be more specific." Jax said nothing just looked at me with a pained expression, but I wasn't done. "He came over here and had a completely different life. He replaced mom and he" I choked on the words. Tears flooded my eyes and my brother held me tighter than he had for a very long time. I sobbed into his arms and just, lost it.

I could hear the click of mom's boots come near us but she was stopped short when Jax told her to, "go get Clay. She needs her dad right now."

I don't know if my dad knew what went down. I assume he did. But he didn't speak a word when he approached, just consumed me in his arms. He rocked me back and forth and stroked my head. He kissed the top and told me, "it's okay princess. I promise everything is going to be okay."

John Teller hurt me, and continued to hurt me. But Clay Marrow? He chose to be my father, he chose me. I started to calm down and he looked down at me. I realized my family were all there. Dad, Jax, Mom and Face. All there with me. Fuck John Teller.

"Alright" I cleared my throat. "That's enough emotional bullshit. I'm gonna go wash up, then we got shit to do. We're running out the clock here."

We headed back in the flat and were confronted with dead silence. It was unbearable. I walked quietly upstairs and readied myself to rejoin the others.

As I came back to the common area of the flat, Maureen had returned and handed dad a piece of paper.

"McGee emptied out his pockets on my dresser every night" She explained. "It's an address. Not sure if it will help, but it might."

Dad looked back at her with a gentle nod. "Sorry about your old man."

It hadn't been verbalized yet, but Keith McGee had been a traitor, just like O'Neill. Dad had taken his cut before delving out justice.

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