Chapter 4 The Princess

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I was nearing a month with Samcro. This place was not what I expected. I'd started to forge friendships with my brothers, though there was still some slight tension with Juice. Happy seemed to be the one I grew a bond with fastest, both of us being enforcers. It was almost a game between the two of us when we had to...enforce things.

Jax was warming up to me too. More than once commenting on how I looked at his sister, with a chuckle.

Things were on edge with Clay and Gemma. That accident had done a number on the woman. The confidence I experienced that first day seemed to have dwindled. As for Clay, he looked like he was trying too hard with her, and she was pushing him away.

As for Harley, it wasn't so icy these days. She was cordial and friendly, but the flirting was gone. Nothing past an inuendo that she might make in a joke, one she would be fine saying to Chibs for example. I hated it. It meant she stopped giving a shit. I don't know what the draw was with her. Usually I could shake a chick, quicker than a cold. But this one? She was driving me crazy.

We were well into our relationship with Caracara, the porn business. A lot of the guys spent copious amounts of time there. I'd been once or twice, while I didn't partake in the talent, I'd watched more than one scene being filmed. Then I would think of Harley and get pissed off with the level of frustration she was causing me.

She slid me a drink across the bar. "You going with the boys today" she asked me?

"I was thinking of it" I nodded.

"Must be loving life" she replied, sounding almost indignant. "All that easy pussy."

"Easy isn't my thing" I replied. Was she fishing?

Juice and Chibs joined us at the bar. "Heading out there Faceman" Chibs announced.

"Unless I can get a better offer back here" Juice said looking at Harley, my blood boiled.

"Oh I can't give you a better offer than that" she replied, trying to ignore his advances.

"I bet you could" he pressed.

"I won't" she snapped at him.

"Worth a try" he sighed as he left the bar.

Chibs started for the door, with Juice following him. I looked at Harley one last time before I followed them too.

We got there and like I said I didn't partake while the others did. I stepped outside for a smoke when Jax pulled in with Tara on the back of his bike. That was ballsy.

"Not joining in the fun again" he asked me with a grin?

"I prefer substance" I muttered. I took a drag. "I feel like you can relate" I nodded to Tara.

"Yeah I hear that man" he nodded to me. "Few and far between in this life."

"Don't I fucking know it" I muttered with my cigarette between my lips.

"Yeah ones like Tara and my sister are diamonds in the rough" he grinned at me.

I paused for a second and nodded. He gave me one last grin and headed in the building. I nodded politely to the doc, and she reciprocated.

An SUV pulled in, and soon after, so did Clay and Tig.

Harley and Gemma got out of the car.

"What the hell are you doing here" Clay asked them?

"Luanne is freaking out" Gemma explained.

"What the hell are you doing here" he asked Harley?

"God daughter" Harley pointed to herself. "Instant calming effect."

"I don't want you going in there" Clay ordered.

"You realize I've walked in on Tig balls deep in some crow eater's ass before, right" she asked? "Takes a bit to make me blush."

"My daughter is not walking into a porn set" he hissed and then turned his attention to Gemma, "and this is club business."

"Fuck sake" Harley shook her head and started to walk towards me.

"Harley Jane" he shouted, "where the fuck are you going?"

"Asking Face for a light" she shouted back. "That okay with you?"

"Watch your mouth little girl" he warned.

"Hey" Gemma stepped in, "don't talk to my kid like that."

"Last I checked I adopted her" Clay argued.

"You got a light" Harley asked me as she approached with her cigarette in her mouth? I pulled out my lighter and lit her up.

"You good" I asked her?

"Yeah" she sighed crossing her arms and glaring as her parents fight escalated. "How's the action today?"

"For Chibs and Juice it looks good" I nodded.

"What you're not into professional pussy" she huffed at me?

"I'd rather not see my ass show up in a movie" I nodded to her.

She grinned at me but was soon startled by the sound of breaking glass. Tara ran past us into the building to grab Jax.

Gemma kicked Clay's bike.

"Shit" Harley hissed starting towards them.

Clay started punching the front of the SUV repeatedly. Gemma yelled at him, mocking him. She turned to walk away, and Clay grabbed her by the shoulders. Before I could blink Harley swiped his hands down and stood between him and her mother protectively, while out of nowhere Jax was standing beside them.

Gemma screamed. Not just angry, but in terror. She crumbled into herself and started to sob. Tara rushed to her side while her children and Clay exchanged dumbfounded looks.

Harley snapped out of it and turned to her mother but was rejected as Tara guided her away. Harley stood stunned for a second as she watched her mother whimper away. She looked at Jax and Clay and huffed.

She walked over to the passenger side of the SUV and grabbed her purse as she stomped towards the end of the driveway.

"Where are you going" Clay called to her?

"I'm not wanted here" she replied. "I'm leavin."

"You're walking" he asked her?

"You trashed the ride I showed up in" she replied.

"Jax drive your sister back" Clay muttered.

"I got Tara" he shook his head. Jax's attention turned to me. "Face, you mind?"

"Nah" I replied putting out my cigarette. "I got her."

"From nomad to babysitter" Clay nodded. "Do me a favor, don't mess up the reconciliation with Juice for a quick lay."

The words rang in my head. Did he actually call his daughter a quick lay? I nodded, stunned, unsure how to react.

I got on my bike and followed the path she'd forged. Harley may be short, but she was mostly legs. Only way to explain how far she got before I caught up, pulling up in front of her.

"Draw the short straw" she muttered?

"They asked I said yes" I told her taking off my helmet and handing it to her.

She eyed me for a second but took the helmet and climbed up on my bike.

We got back to TM and she went straight for the bar.

That night was the wrap party for the porn company. I felt obligated to attend, though obligated might not be the word most of my brothers would have used.

There was basically an orgy happening around us. I sat down in a chair holding a beer and Jax sat down beside me.

"How's the reconciliation with Juice" he laughed at me?

"Still intact" I replied.

"My sister is smart" he told me. "She can make her own choices. Reconciliation or not, you've done better with her in one month than Juice has in five years."

I nodded.

"For what it's worth. I think you'd be good to her" he told me.

I just drank my beer. Not saying a word. Opie sat down and the discussion of his reckless behavior in the wake of losing his wife came up. I figured that was my cue to leave. I happened to pass the front entry where it looked like a chick fight was about to break out. When I looked again, I saw Tara nose to nose with one of the actresses and Harley stepping up right behind her. By the time I was in earshot Tara was storming off. Jax had caught wind of the stand off and was quickly approaching to go after Tara.

Harley was a little slower to back away and had only just turned her back when the actress said, "yeah you better run."

Harley spun around and punched her in the face. She hunched over, let out a scream and held her face as blood dripped between her fingers. The other one clawed at Harley missing her. Harley didn't hesitate and punched again. "Bitch you're steppin to the Samcro Princess, show some respect" she snapped at them.

The women coward on the ground. Clay appeared. "What the hell is going on" he boomed?

"Bitches got lippy" she snarled, "I put em in line."

"What the fuck are you doing here" he boomed again?

"I came with Tara" she nodded. "Pretty sure she's off somewhere screaming at Jax."

"This is no place for old ladies" He bellowed.

"Good thing I'm not one" she shouted back. "I didn't even want to be here."

Clay looked over at Juice. Maybe he was trying to play fair and give him a shot here. But Juice was busy getting sucked off. He looked at me. And I nodded. "But right back" he growled.

I nodded again. I was irritated, didn't want me to make a move, wanted an even playing field for the one getting sucked off by a professional. Nah, it's cool man.
"Let's go" I growled at Harley. She glared at Clay before she followed me.

"Becoming my personal chauffeur" she muttered.

"If it bothered me, I'd say something" I muttered back handing her my helmet.

She put it on and got on the back of my bike.

We took off on the long dark road. I soon had her home. She was tensing up as we got closer to her house, I could feel it in her grip.

"What did my dad say to you" she asked me as she got off my bike in front of her house?

"What do you mean" I asked?

"About me" She added?

"He doesn't want me to rock the boat with Juice to get laid" I admitted.

"For fuck sake" she snapped. "Juice is never going to fucking happen."

"Yeah well" I sighed. "Juice hadn't gotten that memo."

"Because he's dense as fuck" she hissed.

"Yeah well, I got my memo so" I said as I wheeled my bike back.

"You weren't given a memo" she shook her head. "Don't put that on me."

"You kicked me out Harley" I replied. "How is that not on you?"

"I kicked you out because you were just after the princess, Face" she snapped.

"You think I give a fuck about the princess shit? No one knows I even touched you." I shouted at her. "Is it so hard to believe that someone actually might be interested in you and not some fucking title you have?"

There was no witty comment. There was no snap comeback. I shut her up. Her jaw clenched and she walked into her house and slammed the door behind her.

I drove back to the warehouse And sat in a chair near Opie. "I'm not much for conversation right now" he told me.

"Makes two of us" I growled grabbing a beer. Clay looked at me with a nod, noting my return. I just drank my beer.

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