Chapter 36: Her Ghosts

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*Welcome back. I got tired of waiting. I know it was supposed to return tomorrow, but well...I don't want to wait. So I'll be bringing you this chapter today and the next one tomorrow. I have 7 chapters in at least the rough draft. I'm just under halfway through the season. That said, my other fan fiction is probably going to get some more love now because I have 3 chapters written and a season is twice as long. 

This Season had some more experimental ideas I had set up for early on. This season does need a very serious trigger warning, much like my all encompassing one from the beginning of the story. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Enjoy.*


"What the fuck are you doing here" I snapped? "Where's mom?"

"I don't know" Chucky shrugged as he closed the filing cabinet drawer.

"Jesus fuck" I growled. Not knowing whose bed my Mother woke up in had become routine these days. She was rebounding hard. There are different statistics about how long it takes to get over someone. She and Clay were together for thirty years, we were just getting warmed up. Mom wasn't good alone.

TM was sort of falling into my lap. Truth was, this was my legacy. Jax was always destined to inherit the gavel, I was always destined to inherit the garage. Always seemed appropriate, given both my last names were on the sign. But these days, I was sincerely looking forward to dropping one.

Jax had taken the head of the table. He was the president of Samcro. Meanwhile he hadn't appointed his VP, everyone expected that to be Opie, however my surrogate brother had been scarce these days. I understood why. This club had taken everything from him, or damn near. How the fuck was he supposed to wear the reaper, or worse, sit at the table with the man who killed his wife and father.

Clay was still fucking breathing, while my rage had reduced it wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Is it fucked up that the part I struggled with wasn't that he killed my father? No, it was the deception. The way he made me care about him, and now question if I was a means to an end. Fuck him. But I would be lying if I say I had no emotion towards the man. You don't just switch off that shit. He raised me, that was just the salt in the wound.

Clay had moved out; into the little shit hole he called a house. There was no chance that mom was going anywhere, that's the house she bought with dad. Yeah that was still fucked up. Calling John Teller Dad, and Clay Marrow...well a great deal of different and colorful names.

I'd like to say that I still had Jax, but truth was he had his own struggles he was dealing with. While he tried to be there for me, what could he say really? How he hadn't killed Clay yet was beyond me, but sitting at the table with him? There was something there I wasn't privy to, no doubt in my mind. But it was club business, and that was that.

Mom was a mixed bag these days. She was either stoned, drunk or getting fucked by some rando. Then there was the odd time she tried to play mother, and Jax and I would push her away. I was coming around, but Jax. It's not easy to separate the fact that she is the one who made Clay part of our family, the man who murdered our father. She still had no idea I was completely aware that she was fucking Clay before John died. Jax was in the dark on that one as far as I knew, but it brought up questions. These questions would prompt the comment, Mother's should drown baby girls. A comment she played a little too fast an loose with. For a woman who resented her own mother, she sure had paved her own path with that shit.

As for Tara, she'd become colder, more distant. I guess I understood. Not like I was an angel when my nursing future was pulled out from under me. Tara was in the same boat as me where she really only had the club to fall back on with all of that, but there was one major difference. I loved the club, Tara tolerated it. She'd pushed mom damn near out of the picture with the boys. Considering my previous comments about her levels of intoxication, I don't blame her. Mom somehow never got out of the teenage, I'm fucking invincible mentality, though a little humility would do her some good.

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