Chapter 48 Damaged Goods

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It didn't take a genius to figure out where we were headed. It was no surprise when Jax parked us outside of Clay's place. We sat in waiting after spotting Juice's bike outside. Everything seemed to be unfolding as one would expect, but it wouldn't be the Teller family if there wasn't an unsuspected turn. Well that turn came in the form of Gemma's SUV rolling up.

"The fuck she doing here" I murmured in confusion? I would have thought this would be the last place she would want to be.

"What I asked her to" Jax replied coldly. The tone alone didn't sit right with me. I knew if Harley got wind of it she wouldn't have approved. Nothing Jax could have said to her would have made her okay with her mother being in Clay's presence. I wasn't sure what the fuck he meant by that, but between his tone and the way he held his jaw, I wasn't getting more than that. I didn't waste my breath. Besides if shit hit the fan, we were right here.

She was welcomed in, no real shock there. Juice left in the next ten minutes or so, with a stupid grin on his face. I felt my blood pressure rising as I watched him approach his bike. I didn't like Juice on a good day, but this? Let's call it the straw that just broke the camel's back. As his bike purred to life, so did the van. There was a gnawing feeling at the back of my head, uncomfortable with leaving Gemma there and maybe less comfortable with how it didn't seem to affect Jax in the slightest. But what the fuck could I say about it? Jax wasn't just my Prez, which should have been enough, but this was his mom.

We followed him a while at a safe and undetected distance, in seething silence. Juice pulled up to the house he'd just moved into a couple months ago and there was a cruiser waiting outside for him. He got off his bike and started to engage with the officers. As they escorted Juice into the cruiser their heads were on a swivel. No chance Roosevelt would have given them all the details, but he probably told them to be on high alert here. They didn't seem to take note of the ominous black van parked a few houses down. Charming's finest.

"Shit" Jax hissed.

"Guess Roosevelt took some precautions" I grumbled.

"To be continued" Jax huffed. We waited for the cruiser to pull out with Juice in tow, and we soon left. Jax took out his phone and made a call. "Yeah. Do me a favor, fill Chibs in. All of it. I'll enlighten my brother in-law."

"Enlighten me on what" I asked as he snapped his phone shut?

Jax let out a deep breath and considered his words. "You know, I hate this coke shit, trying to get away. But I had no choice, I had to keep the cartel happy" He explained. He let out another long breath before the big reveal "Because they're working for the CIA."

"What" I snapped?

"We were well into this relationship when I found out" Jax explained. "I wanted to cut ties, but there was an issue with that. The CIA was keeping a RICO case off our heads."

"Jesus fuck" I hissed at the weight of the load he just dropped on me.

"I know" He nodded, exasperated, no doubt from the weight he had been carrying solo. "Was supposed to happen when the deal with the Irish and the Cartel was solidified."

"Holy fuck Jax" I shook my head.

"That's not all" He replied.

"Of fucking course it's not" I growled, a reaction I typically internalized, but I didn't have it in me.

"The Cartel demanded we keep the relationship going with the Irish or the RICO case comes back" Jax's jaw clenched with rage. "And the only one Galen will work with--."

"Clay" I nodded with a sigh. Finally I understood why the sack of shit was still breathing.

"Yeah" Jax replied.

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