Chapter 12 The Shit Hits the Fan

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* We've reached the season finale. Debating if I can do another season here. Feel free to leave a note if you're looking for more Face and Harley. If I continue, it's gonna take me a couple weeks minimum to get some chapters out  Thanks for reading*

The club made its way out to the agreed upon location. Our bikes were lined up, as were our men in solidarity.

Happy stood next to me. "Looking forward to fighting with you" he nodded to me and shook my hand.

This guy was fucked up and maybe one of the best guys I ever met, "Let's shed some blood" I nodded to him.

"Knew I liked you for a reason" Happy nodded.

We waited for Weston and his crew when several cars, way more than his ten best emerged from the vehicles, heavily armed. Fucking pussies.

Jax approached Weston. "So much for the fair fight" Jax shook his head.

"Fair is for losers" Weston scoffed, "I'd rather win."

"Yeah" Jax chuckled, "Me too."

With a whistle from Tig, a plethora of heavily armed 9er's gang members and Triad gang members emerged well-armed and aimed at the league members. An understanding had been reached by Clay while we were out pissing off Weston.

"Let's just stick to the plan" Jax nodded before he swung at Weston.

A skinhead started to approach me, and I glared the guy down. "You're the guy who fucks the little one aren't ya" He asked? Oh, this was going to go so bad for him, wasn't it? "When I'm done with you? I'll make her call me daddy." Yup, all I needed to hear.

I threw the first punch, nearly taking him out of his boots with the first hit. I swung my other fist knocking him on his ass. I dove down over him, hearing the crack as I broke his nose, followed by another and the spray of blood when I knocked out a tooth. He frantically swung out of desperation and cut the unscarred side of my cheek with his ring. I head butted him and he was out. It was good timing too, Happy grabbed me off the guy as sirens started to come closer. One of his boys grabbed him and threw him in the back of his truck before they took off. I got my footing and stood up. Happy and I exchanged what can only be described as a Bro hug before we stood back and straightened out our cuts before the approaching authorities arrived.

The group was led by the young cop who came and checked up on Harley a while back, Hale.

"This doesn't concern you" Jax told him.

"You're inside Charming" He hissed, "Tell me how this doesn't concern me."

"There's no crime here" Weston confirmed.

Hale glared at him then back to Jax before he got out his cuffs and approached Weston. "AJ Weston" He started as he cuffed him. "You are under arrest for Arson, relating to the fires at Caracara. You have the right to remain silent..." Hale continued with his Miranda Rights.

I walked over past the rest of the club and kicked at the dirt he should be under by now. "We'll get him son" Clay said to me quietly.

Jax walked over having seen my reaction. "I'm sorry brother" he sighed.

"I don't give a fuck who does it" I growled. "He doesn't get to keep breathing the same air as her. Not as her, not as Gemma. This guy's days are fucking numbered, single fucking digits."

Clay patted me on the back as I watched Weston be placed in the back of the cruiser and taken away.

Our first miss of the day, but now? It was time to cut the head off the snake.

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