Chapter 55 Reducing Stress

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Not sure what was worse. Jax informed me that he was headed to county, Tara was coming home today. I had my unexpected guest, so I had to let the awkward encounter between my sister in-law and mother play out as it would. Could you fucking imagine Tara coming home to discover Jax's other sister and our mother already foaming at the mouth over it? No the existing fire did not need fuel.

Also was informed that my father wanted to have a word and I don't mean John. Clay had put in a request to see mom, myself and Jax. Wasn't sure what that was but Jax asked me to make it happen.

But to add to all this crap, the shooting we watched on the news the night before? It hit close to home. The kid who did the shooting? Nero's cousin's old lady's kid. Gun he had, the KG9? Nero's cousin's. Three guesses where he got the gun.

I should be reducing my stress, right?

My assignment had been given to me. Keep Trinity under wraps until we figure out our next step. Face took off with Jax to go and handle the situation with the mother of the shooter, because right now she was numb with grief...but as she processed through the steps of grief, anger was step 2 and a very dangerous step for the club.

I made two calls, one to Lowen and the other to Sasha. She knew I had found my sister in Ireland. Though I still wanted to pound the shit out of her on our return, eventually I told her about Trinity, the only real shock to her would be when she walked in my door and my Irish sister was there.

Lowen was startled when I ushered her in and closed the door quickly behind her. The blinds were all drawn. "Harley what is it" she demanded?

"I know you do the criminal law thing" I started. "But what do you know about immigration?"

"Immigration" she looked at me oddly when I brought her into the living room where Sasha and Trinity had already been introduced?

"May I introduce the fourth Teller sibling" I gestured to my sister. "Trinity Ashby, daughter of John Teller, and mine and Jax's half-sister."

Lowen's jaw dropped. "Wha, um" she shook her head. "What is she doing here?"

"Arrived this morning" I explained. "Shit in Belfast, she's here now, and we need to keep it that way."

"Your brother is a felon" Lowen shook her head at me. "You had felony charges."

"Which were reduced" I reminded her.

"That's a hard sell Harley" She shook her head.

"I'm gonna make it harder" I nodded. "There a way we can make it so they take into consideration her lineage, but it doesn't become public record?"

"Wha, what do you mean" Lowen asked?

"She's the youngest Teller" I replied. "Mom and Dad weren't even legally separated. Her being here will be a hard enough sell for Mom."

"So you want to petition for her as her sister" Lowen asked? "Without it getting out she's your sister."

"Pretty much" I nodded. "I can do blood tests to prove it, whatever we need. It just needs to stay closed."

"Making the case very suspicious and will beg the question why is she suddenly coming to America" Lowen asked? "Either Gemma has to get over it or you might need to find another sponsor, who doesn't have the blood ties."

"What about me" Sasha volunteered?

This is honestly what I hoped for, but I wouldn't have put her in this position. I didn't want to out and out ask Sasha to sponsor my sister, but then too, we needed a backup plan.

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