Chapter 42: Morning Star

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"Looks good" the Doctor nodded, examining Tara's latest x-ray. "Inflammation on the median nerve is down considerably." He turned to face her and continued with the examination. "Much burning or numbness?"

"Not so much anymore" Tara replied, examining her arm without a cast on it.

"What happened there" the Doctor asked, noticing the cuts on her knuckles on the other hand.

"Oh uh" She was thinking fast. "Banged it up carrying the stroller." Yeah not pelting some chick in the garage who was ready to kick me in the stomach. "So where am I?"

"I'm not an optimist Tara" He shook his head. "But this is much better than I expected."

"Better as in I'll be able to continue surgery" she asked?

"I can't make that call" he told her. "But I wouldn't rule it out."

"Okay" she smiled, still processing the news.

"We'll put a soft cast on" he nodded to her. "Take a look again in six weeks."

"Thank you" she nodded to him. She looked back at me with excitement in her expression. She made eye contact with me, and her smile grew.

After they fitted her with her new cast, she and I left the examination room. "That's amazing news Tara" I smiled as we headed down the hall.

"I-I can't believe it" she shook her head. "The damage to my hand I never thought..."

"This is a win" I told her.

"We have the suite in about ten minutes" she looked at her watch.

I let out a deep breath.

"You nervous" she asked me?

"Should I be" I asked?

"I don't think so" She shook her head. "I think you got the scary part out of the way."

"Telling Face" I nodded.

"He took it well" She asked?

"Better than expected" I admitted. "I uh, had to tell him some other shit too though, didn't sit as well."

"What was that?" she opened the door to an examination room down from her office, to let me in

"Shit with a nomad" I replied. I dropped my bag on the chair and took off my jacket then kicked off my boots.

Tara put a hospital gown on the bed for me and stepped back, closing the curtain. "One of the new guys" she asked as I undressed?

"Mhmm" I replied.

"Your history come back to haunt you" she asked?

"My ghosts" I replied. "One of the nomads got...a little too attached shall we say. Got sort of creepy at one point. Showed up at my school, was arriving at weird times without warning. Questioning my whereabouts."

"Oh my god Harley" She murmured. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Did I tell anyone" I parroted the question back to her in disbelieve? I climbed up on the bed and put the sheet over my legs. "I was and I quote, acting like a whore. I didn't need an I told you so. I'm ready by the way. "

Tara walked around the curtain and put on a pair of medical gloves. "Did you get a restraining order? Something" she pressed?

"Did I use the cops to handle my issue" I asked her sarcastically? Was she serious with this question? "No. I tried to avoid him and not be alone. Then he had his accident and wasn't coming around, thought he had forgotten all about me. Next thing I know, he's patching in Samcro."

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