We Will Return!

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Hi there! thanks so much for stopping by and reading my... let's call it an adaptation. Now I will 100% admit, I prefer to write from Face's perspective, but Harley brings too much value to the story to leave her out. As such, they will share the spotlight in the next season. Speaking of the next season, the story will return on May 4th. I have the first chapter written, but the process has been slower than planned because for starters my process for this story is slower than my other story, and I just had some major changes at work and I'm just sort of getting my footing. But I should be back in full swing for the 4th. 

Also shameless cross promotion, I do have two other fan fics I've done. I did have another, but I unpublished it until I got it more polished, same with my original work. If you are a Supernatural fan, I have one on-going story that has over 100 chapters. I also have a completed story that starts in Season 10 I think (going off a terrible memory here. If you are also a member of that fandom, it could be a way to hold you over until we come back with my favorite Teller and Nomad. 

Thank you again so much for your support, I will post again soon :)

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