Chapter 54 An Unexpected Arrival

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The drive home was silent and excruciating if I'm being fucking blunt. My brother was hurt, but there wasn't a god damn thing to be done about it. Tara needed her space for now. He dropped me back at TM where I was promptly kicked out of the office and told to rest. A lot of being told to rest these days, sorta pissed me off and I would have fought it, if my fucking feet hadn't doubled in size. I wasn't in heels these days I'll tell ya, flat boots and they were becoming a struggle.

I sat in the clubhouse on the couch. Sasha had set me up with a pillow for my feet and I was relaxing. Okay I was fucking stewing in all the shit that was happening. There wasn't a lot of social interaction happening around me. A few of the guys sat at the bar while Hap and Face played pool.

I was actually dozing off when the front door burst opened.

"Where's Jax?!"

It took me a moment to realize the source. Ima, the skank who fucked both my brothers and shattered their old ladies. Then informed me she was setting her sights on my man.

"What Is this gash doing here" Chibs asked with the enthusiasm of a sloth?

Took the words out of my mouth.

"Please. I need your help" She pleaded. "Lyla is hurt real bad."

Now she had my attention. "What" I grunted getting to my feet and waddled towards her? "Where is she?"

She looked at me desperately. "Diosa. She's in bad shape."

I looked at Sasha stationed behind the bar. My personal chauffer these days. She nodded, "I'll drive."

The entirety of the membership that was in that bar escorted us to Diosa and followed us right down the hall to her door. I stopped short and turned to my leather clad companions. "Guys we don't know what this is" I said softly. "Maybe let me go in solo?"

Chibs nodded, his grim expression warned me to brace myself. I knocked gently on the door. "Lyla" I called opening to a dark room. Ima followed me in, and we closed the door behind us. "Get a light" I instructed her quietly. I held my breath and as the lights switched on, I saw the definition of Hurt real bad. Lyla was covered in cuts, bruises and burn marks. She sat sobbing clutching a blanket around herself. "Lyla" I whispered softly sitting beside her. She leaned into my shoulder and further opened the floodgates. Jesus Christ what happened to her?

There was a soft knock on the door and Face popped his head in. "Babe, Jax is here."

I nodded to him, realizing Face was examining her wounds. He processed the scene and while he did his best to not physically respond to what he saw, I didn't miss the pain in his eyes.

I turned my attention to my friend who quivered in my arms. "You up for that" I asked?

She nodded clenching her jaw in a feeble attempt to slow her whimpers.

"Face" I quietly summoned him over to help her to her feet. He started to guide her out to the lobby where my brother was oblivious to what he was about to encounter.

I groaned getting to my feet, meanwhile Ima took a step closer to me. My utter distain for the woman wouldn't allow me to accept her help. I waved her away as I found my balance.

"Jesus Christ."

It would appear my brother lacked my inner monolog.

"What happened?"

Lyla sobbed a few words but the only ones I caught were, "I want Opie."

That was a punch to the gut because as much as we all did, in that moment all I wanted was to give him to her, find her even a fraction of comfort.

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