Chapter 34 The Word of The Father

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"Shit" I shouted! I knew where he was headed, back to the clubhouse. He wanted blood, Clay's blood. In that moment I couldn't tell you if I was more concerned for Opie or there was residual sentimentality for Clay, but I knew we needed to move.

Jax ran to Unser, shouting keys. I'd seen that pile of shit in the garage more times than I could count, that was not gonna catch Opie. I looked around and spotted the hearse, as Skeeter ran out of the building.

"Was that a gunshot" he asked fearfully?

"I need the keys" I shouted at him as Jax failed to make Unser's engine turn over.

"For what" he asked me?

I instinctively pulled my gun from my purse and pointed it at him. "Give me the fucking keys Skeeter" I Roared!

"Give her the god damn keys before we end up in the back of it" Unser shouted across the parking lot.

He handed them to me as Jax got out of Unser's truck. "Here" I called to him tossing them over to him. I reached in my purse as I got in the passenger seat. I pulled out my phone while Jax started the car. "Are you calling Clay?"

"If Clay took a shot gun to Piney in cold blood what would he do to Opie in self-defense" I snapped at him. "I'm calling Face."


Where the fuck was she? Should I just head home?

"She said Opie needed her last time I talked to her" Sasha offered as I sat impatiently in the TM office. "I'm sure she'll be here soon."

"Yeah" I scoffed as my phone started ringing. I looked at the Id, it was her. "Where are you?"

"You still at the garage" She asked me with panic in her voice?

"Yeah, I'm waiting for you" I got to my feet noting her tone. "Are you okay?"

"Not really" She replied. "Listen, Opie is headed for TM. He's planning to kill Clay. I can explain more when I get there. I need you to try and stop him, but approach with caution."

"What the fuck is going on Harley" I growled?

"I'll explain when I get there" she told me.

I heard tires squeal and glass break. "Harley" I demanded?

"We're fine" She assured me. "We'll be there soon."

I ran my hand down my face. Why the fuck was Opie going to kill Clay? Clay needed to go, but I didn't know I was ready to see the cost be Opie. I looked over to Sasha and saw her attempting to organize the office. "Get out of here" I ordered.

"I still need to- "

"Did I fucking stutter Sasha" I snarled? "Go home, Harley will understand. You can handle this tomorrow."

I scared her, that was obvious. She didn't reply, just nodded, grabbed her purse, and left the office. I watched to make sure she got out okay. I was in the garage locking up the bays when I heard a bike pull in. I left the office in time to see Opie running into the clubhouse. Fuck.

When I got in, Clay was seated at the head of the table at the end of Opie's gun.

"Opie what the fuck" I demanded?!

"Get out of here Face" he warned me.

"You know I can't do that brother" I replied.

"Do I get to say anything here" Clay asked?

"Did my old man get to say anything?" Opie was fucking livid. "Before you blew a hole in his chest?!"

"Some one's been lyin to you Ope" Clay replied calmly.

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