Chapter 24 That ATF Bitch

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*500 views and the season finale. I will be taking a couple weeks off to get ready for the next season. I miss writing Face, but feel Harley's perspective definitely adds value, so next season I will likely flip flop between them. Promise, no later than the first Thursday in May for the return.*

  I paced the length of my mother's dining table, biting my cuticles as she put my nephew down for his nap. What should have been a joyous reunion was cut short when word got to us about Tara's abduction. The club had been out since they stepped out of the chapel at TM, which was almost immediately when we got home. I attempted to jump right back into the Teller-Marrow paperwork, but I struggled to focus. Dad had planned on sending mom up to the cabin to avoid detection. Mom had other plans, and number one was going home and sleeping in her own bed. She took Abel and headed for her house.

While the club was out following leads and mom headed for home, I stayed at TM. I expected some mess to clean up when I got back, but I had been pleasantly surprised. She'd run the garage like a well oiled machine. She also got a call from her cousin that had proved helpful. Her cousin Hailey worked for Jacob Hale. His office happened to be where Salazar had decided to engage in a hostage situation. We gave word to the club before Unser ever could. Stricken further with stress, I couldn't manage any further, and luckily didn't even have to say a word to Sasha, she suggested I head to mom's place.

Mom came from the nursery and saw my agitation. "Think I might have somethin for that" she told me as she hauled out her tin box where she kept her weed. She started to prepare a joint and told me to sit down, I was a good girl.

"She's coming home" Mom told me.

"Kinda hard to relax" I told her. "We were basically club members about a day ago."

"And now you wait" Mom nodded. "I get it baby. But this is our role. And you can get worked up like this, but Face never sees this. You need to be the constant."

"101 Mom" I sighed.

"Just a review" she told me as she finished rolling the cigarette and put it in her mouth. She took a drag to get it going then handed it over to me. "Sasha seems to have done well in your absence."

"Yeah" I winced as I took a hit, mom's was always strong. "She did good."

"How are you doing with that" she asked me?

"I'm doing I guess" I shrugged.

"She seems to be trying to make amends" Mom replied. She was hinting.

"She is" I nodded.

"Like you did" mom replied. Hint was delivered.

"You think I should forgive and forget" I told her.

"I think you should forgive" Mom nodded. "Never forget."

"Not that easy" I told mom.

"No, it's not" Mom started to explain. "But we all forgave you."

Mom's phone rang, and she picked up. "Yeah" she made eye contact with me and gave me a nod to tell me it was dad. "Everyone okay" She asked? "Okay. Tell Face, Harley is with me." She hung up the phone and smiled. "They got her."

"Thank fuck" I sighed. The weight was off my chest.

"Jax got attacked by Salazar, took him out in self-defense" Mom nodded. "He and Tara are going to get checked over, but they both walked out."

I let out another sigh and leaned back in my seat. Mom took my hand and squeezed. "It's all gonna be okay baby."

I nodded and took another drag of the joint.

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