Chapter 10 Her Fathers

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It was out. Was it better or worse, well I suppose that depended on your perspective. There was a darkness looming over the club, the pain of what happened to Gemma was a lot to swallow. Harley had been running the office that morning, not sure if her mother would make it in that day. Clay was a shell. He spoke little and carried himself with the grief of what happened to Gemma. Jax was rage fueled and began tailing members of the league, looking for our in to break them. The rest of the club were all feeling the weight of what was happening to the Teller-Marrow family.

She was out for a smoke, we seemed to time these breaks well. She was in my spot leaned up against the building. She got up and I put a hand up to tell her not to bother. "I got a better seat" she winked at me. I smiled at her and took my spot before she sat on my lap.

"Hear from your mom yet" I asked her?

She exhaled and shook her head, "Not yet. I don't blame her if she doesn't come in today. But I might have to check on her."

"You got any guns" I asked her?

She looked at me like I had two heads. "That a serious question?"

"Yeah well" I nodded, "Clay wants everyone's hardware. We're a little light. Asked me to take you for that. I'll take you to see your mom when we do that."

"That works" she nodded.

Suddenly across the parking lot, where Opie had been working on his bike, he took a swing at Tig. "Shit" she hissed and started for the two men. I was on her tail immediately. Opie pummeled him, and Tig didn't lift a finger. She grabbed onto Opie's arm. "OPE" she shouted! I didn't like how close to the line of fire she was, but Opie looked down at her and lowered his hands.

In the commotion, Jax had pulled up, but Opie was already on his bike.

Clay, Bobby, Piney, Jax, Harley and I were now gathered.

"What the fuck was that" Harley snapped?

"I don't even know who I am anymore" Tig said, almost sounding drunk as he looked at the other members.

"What did you do" Clay snarled?!

"I had to tell him man" Tig shook his head. "I killed Donna."

Harley's hands cupped over her mouth in shock.

"Shit" Jax hissed as he took off after Opie.

Donna. I'd heard whispers of the woman, but never met her. She was Opie's old lady, his wife formally. She'd been gunned down in what was assumed was a botched assassination attempt on Opie. This was huge. This club not only put out a hit on one of their own, but they took out an innocent.

I walked into the office with Harley. She sat down in her chair and said nothing. She shuffled through papers listlessly; not sure she even knew what she was doing. She got up and opened the filing cabinet, hauling out a bottle of whiskey. She popped it open and started to chug. "Aren't you running yet" She gasped when she came up for air?

I didn't say anything, I calmly walked over to her and hugged her. Yeah, this freaked me out. Opie grew up in that club, how the fuck does this happen? But so did she, and if I was feeling it, Jesus Christ what she must have been feeling.

Some time had passed, and she slowly calmed down, before the door opened. "Can I talk to you two" Clay's voice got both of our attention.

Harley pulled away from me and scowled at her old man before she sat down and folded her arms.

"Listen, I don't usually bring you in on club business little girl, but this one, you sort of got brought into" he looked at me. "And you, I owe an explanation." He heaved a sigh, "ATF got their hands on Ope a while back, and his family. That part Harley, you knew. What you didn't know was they tried to make him a deal to rat on the club. Opie, he turned it down, but that ATF bitch."

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