Chapter 53: Haunted By Ghosts

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*Welcome once again to the season finale. All of my fan fictions have gotten some love in the last while so I wanted to say thank you for that if I haven't already on your personal wall (trying to make sure I get everyone and I'm behind.) I completed writing this season a couple of weeks ago and part of my process with writing a season is rewatching it to get ideas of how my two (and two on the way) fit. Everyone in my house has been sick and viewer discretion has been taken. Not even past episode 1. This might be a longer one. My other two fan fictions are the same Fandom so at least I can send people to the othet one to hold them over. This one, sadly is all by itself. So unless you are also a Supernatural fan, I ask just don't forget about me over here while I work on the next season. Thank you once again, here we go *

*Smut warning* 


Another fucking lockdown. We quickened the pace leaving the hospital. Face asked me to sit down in the waiting area while he went to get the car. I don't know if it was the need to get back to TM, or the excitement of the kids that fueled it, but I did remind him I drove there.


I turned to see a man in his late forties, early fifties with a beard and a ponytail. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he told me, his voice was soft, with a little rasp, soothing really. "Congratulations."

"Thank you" I smiled politely.

"You're uh, you're Harley Teller, right" he asked me?

"And you are" I asked? I didn't correct him, that had become instinctive rather quickly, but I didn't know who this was. Let's see what he was about before I give him my new name.

"Oh, I'm sorry" He kindly smiled as he sat across from me. "My name is Lee Toric. I realize this is unusual, but I saw you and I needed to introduce myself. My sister was Pamela Toric."

"Based off the was, I assume she's passed. I'm very sorry" I shook my head. "But I don't know who that is."

"No you probably never met my sister" He replied. "She was murdered a few days ago in Stockton prison, she was a nurse."

My stomach tightened knowing who this was.

"She was murdered by--."

"Otto Delaney" I nodded with a sigh. "Yeah. I...I don't even know what to say. That was horrible. I am so very sorry."

"Thank you Miss Teller" He nodded. "From what I understand, Mr. Delaney is your God Father?"

"I try to forget that part" I shook my head. "Otto is a monster."

"I would tend to agree with that" he nodded. "Miss Teller, may I--."

"Babe let's go" Face called to me, his eyes scanning the scene.

"I'm sorry Mr. Toric" I shook my head. "I have to go."

"I just had a couple of questions" he pleaded with me.

"Who is this" Face asked walking over to me?

"Lee Toric" he nodded extending his hand to Face.

"Listen Lee, we sort of have a family emergency" Face ignored his hand. "You got a card or something?"

"Actually I do" he replied reaching for his wallet and pulling out his card.

He handed it to me, but Face snatched it from his hand. "US Martial" Face read.

"Retired" He explained. "My sister was killed the other day in Stockton prison. I just had a couple questions."

"Sure you did" Face snapped. "Well you can ask her lawyer. We gotta go."

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