Chapter 37: Power Bestowed on Me

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None of the Tellers lived that far from each other, I always figured this was Gemma's influence and her at times borderline incestuous love for her children. It wasn't unusual for us to drive by her street on our ride home. When we saw the black van parked outside, and Chucky and the Prospect carrying boxes out, it caught her attention. She tapped me with the back of her hand and pointed, asking me to stop in, where she knew she couldn't be heard over the engine. I gave her a nod and pulled onto the street.

What was more alarming, or typically would have been was the absence of the Samcro Matriarch at Piney's service. I stopped my bike in the driveway, before I could turn it off, she was already at the side door. I was quick after her, in the door, greeted by Unser.

"She's so much like her mother" Unser shook his head gesturing to the hall Harley headed down.

"Shit, don't tell me that" I grunted heading down after her.

"You alright" I heard her ask her mother?

"We're fine" I heard Clay reply.

"I don't give a fuck about you" she snarled. "Mom?"

When I got in the door Clay was on his back on the floor with Gemma and now Harley standing over him.

"You don't ever put a hand on me again" Gemma warned him. With that she walked past me and out to the dining table.

Harley took a few more steps towards him, scowling down, damn near vibrating with rage, all except her tone. Her tone was calm, and if I'm being honest, slightly terrifying, "You should go" she told him. She followed her mother's path out to the dining room.

I walked into the room and helped the feeble man to his feet. It seemed poetic in a way. He killed Piney, who carried around an oxygen tank as long as I knew him. Opie popped a hole into his lung and now Clay carried one too. It was a constant reminder of the damage he'd done.

"Thank you brother" he told me once he was steady.

"She's right" I told him. "You should go." With this I left the room and headed out where Gemma sat at the head of her dining set and Harley stood beside her, an arm on her shoulder. I sat in the chair next to Gemma and pulled Harley to my lap. She sat down and I put my chin on her shoulder. Harley took her mother's hand at the table. "You alright Gem" I asked?

"Fine sweetheart" She replied.

"How about you" I turned my head placing it against Harley's neck?

"Fine" She replied.

"Are you" Gemma asked her? "You look pale. Are you feeling okay?"

"Jesus, hi mom" Harley replied.

"Seriously" Gemma nodded to her with concern. "Wayne, can you grab Harley a glass of water?"

"I'm fine mom" she argued.

"Humor your mother" she replied. "I'm not asking for blood."

Harley sighed and took a sip of the glass Unser handed her. "I hope this is the last of his shit" she muttered.

"I think so" Gemma nodded. "Figured I would be at Piney's thing, so it would be a good time."

"Yeah where were you" Harley asked?

"I forgot" Gemma replied.

"You forgot" Harley asked, baffled Gemma thought such a simple reply would justify her absence. "How the fuck do you forget something like that?"

"I was doing shit" Gemma snapped.

"Or were you the shit being done" Harley accused? "Fuck mom, forget the whole first nine part even. You're more of a mother to Opie than Mary, he needed you today."

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