Chapter 49 As Soon As Possible

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"Sasha, I need a minute with my future mother in-law." Sasha looked at me in shock, though I saw it only through peripheral vision. My eyes had honed in on Gemma sitting behind the desk. She shared a similar nervous expression to Sasha. Guess that made sense. The woman had been put through the ringer by Harley, Tara and Jax already. Probably figured it was my turn. "Don't go far" I warned Sasha. "Need to chat with you too."

Sasha got to her feet and slowly left the office.

I had just left my bed. While I wanted to be the one to remind Harley who she belonged to, she'd done quite the opposite. She showed me and anyone else in earshot who I belonged to. That's my girl.

"You plannin to lecture me too" Gemma asked as I closed the door behind me? "Or you gonna slap me like my other in-law."

"I don't think I need to do either of those things. Not unless you're a lot dumber than I thought" I told her as I sat down. "Jax told me what you're doing to get back in his and Tara's good graces."

"Yeah" she scoffed.

"You know it won't do shit with Harley right" I asked her?

"And you're gonna help me with that" she looked at me skeptically?

"It hurt Harley because she wants her mom" I explained to her. "And what's hurting her more is she can't find a reason to forgive you. And yeah I got one, with boundaries."

"Boundaries huh" she asked me?

"Gemma, you are going to be the only grandparent my children ever know. And that opportunity sure as fuck is fading" I didn't sugar coat it for her. "So let me make this clear, you will never put my kids or Jax's kids in a compromising position of any form" I warned her.

"Done" she nodded.

"Hope not, because I wasn't finished" I shook my head. "Now I'm not about to get in the middle of the shit show between you and Tara. God knows I love Harley and stand by her, but that? You couldn't fucking pay me. But when it comes to motherhood, and Harley, you are a supporting role only. You do not muscle her out, you do not question her choices. You will respect them. Because I'm not your son Gemma. I will have far less guilt cutting you out."

Gemma seemed shocked I would dare to speak to her like this. She hadn't fallen into her demotion with even an ounce of grace. I never really cared about her rank. Old lady ranking is sort of bullshit as far as I'm concerned. She seemed nervous about what I might say next. She knew who held the power here, and she didn't like it when it wasn't her.

"I want you in her life, in our lives" I explained. "I want us all to be a family. But above all others, I will protect my kids and my woman."

She processed this for a second, but I didn't expect this to be more than she could handle. I'd go so far as to say she might even respect my response. "Understood" she nodded.

"Now, got a proposition for you" I went on to explain how she could actually get back in Harley's good graces.

Chapel was called. Tig had been given a task since he, Chibs and Jax had returned. They'd been able to get the name of the guy who dealt the death blow to Opie. A shit brickhouse called Randall Hightower. He'd finally got a hit on him, found him in a club outside Oakland. This wasn't gonna be something Jax was going to let wait, so I took the small frame I could get before heading out.


I was working in the office, going over financials. I gave mom the bitch work. Old files, she knew what we needed to keep and what needed to go. It was a task that was literally used as punishment for me over the years. It was her turn. Though she seemed distracted.

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