Chapter 33 Drowning in Truth

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I was still struggling to find my bearing here. I stood with my mother, without question. Clay, I would love to say he was dead to me, I wish it could have meant nothing. But truth was this was the man who raised me, that doesn't just wash away. What it does is stabs a fucking knife in the pit of my stomach and twists every time I think on it.

The guys left early that day, meeting with the Kings. Apparently the Irish were uneasy with the Cartel. Internally, I hoped they'd come to shut this shit down, because if the suppliers were gonna pull, there would be no choice. The club would have to cut ties with the Cartel.

I'd been scarce when it came to TM as of late. My mother was technically the manager of the business and she had been even more scarce. Funny how domestic violence can do that to you. As Assistant Manager, I should have been picking up the slack, and god fucking knew I was literally everywhere else. The business had fallen through the cracks on me a bit.

If you'd told me two years ago I would say thank god for Sasha Abbot, I would have told you to fuck off. But thank god for Sasha Abbot. I had given her the morning off, she more than deserved it, though she never asked for anything, or complained.

When she arrived around lunch though, I wanted to get to the hospital. I hadn't actually seen a coherent Tara since the accident, I really wanted to check up on her. I knew mom had been hovering a lot, and she would more than likely need to vent. Tara could only bitch so much to my brother the mama's boy, I knew the woman who raised me. She was a particularly acquired taste.

When I arrived, I knocked on Tara's door and spotted my mother, hovering again. "Hey" I greeted as I walked in the door. The tension was thick and I clearly walked in on something I shouldn't have.

"Hey" Mom greeted me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm actually one of the only ones who hasn't visited with Tara yet" I nodded. "You must be on the VIP list by now."

It was my subtle way of dismissing her, and as much as she wasn't impressed, she took the hint. "I was just heading out." She got to her feet. "I'll check in on you later" she eyed Tara. Tara returned with a clenched jaw and dark eyes. Tension was thicker than I thought.

When my mom left the room I took her seat by the bed. "It okay I'm here" I asked, sincerely questioning if perhaps I was on the same shit list as my mom?

"Of course," Tara nodded. "Thank you for taking the boys the other day."

"Don't give it a second thought" I told her. "Family is supposed to support each other. If they're here in Charming or in Providence."

My comment surprised her for a moment. "You know" she nodded.

"Yeah" I sighed. "And I get it. I even get the secrecy. I know my mom and how hands on she can be. But like I told Jax, tell me what I need to do to help you guys. Because I don't think I could take a complete cut off Tara."

"No" she shook her head, "Of course not. Thank you."

There was an uncomfortable silence between us. I examined her for a second. I knew Tara struggled with this world. Honestly she would never have dipped a toe in if not for the fact she was so in love with my brother. On the other hand, the chick was strong and could hang without a doubt. But this was the first time the danger of our existence actually came for her personally.

I searched my mind frantically, trying to fill the silence. "I saw Wendy" I nodded. "I set her straight."

"I can handle my own shit" she told me defensively.

"Hi" I told her sarcastically, "I'm Harley, not Gemma. I know you can handle your shit. That was me having your back when you were being sedated as I recall."

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