Chapter 16 To love a Stranger

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"Fuck" I hissed looking at my phone, my eyes scrolling over the text I'd just gotten from my sister in-law.

"What" Sasha asked me, drawing her from the latest task I'd assigned her? It had been a few days and as much as I hated to say it, Sasha was working out nicely. I didn't have the constant urge to kill her anymore either, which was an added bonus. No, it just came sporadically at this point.

"Family shit" I hissed at her. I wasn't about to bring her into this. "They leave yet?"

"I don't think so" She shook her head, her face was plastered with an emotion, I wasn't sure if it was fear or concern, truth was I didn't care.

I walked into the clubhouse watching the leather clad men gathering by the bar. My enthusiastic entrance gained most of their attention. "Where's Jax" I asked in a growl?

"Chapel" Chibs nodded, watching me stomp to the door..

I was thankful she'd given me plausible deniability, not telling me in advance what she was up to. She'd actually asked me to tell Jackson, which I was thankful for. I had a great loyalty to my brother, but like the club, there was an unspoken loyalty requirement between old ladies, and I was no rat. Gaining entrance to the chapel, without a word I took my phone to my brother, showing him the text I had just received.

"Fuck. I fucking told her not to" he boomed before he turned his attention to me. "Did you know?"

"I knew she wanted to" I admitted. "I also knew you told her not to. That's the extent of my knowledge."

"What is it" Dad spoke up?

"Tara took off to help mom" Jax told him. "I didn't want her anywhere near this. I told her!"

"If she gets tailed" Clay shook his head.

"All of them are up shits creek" I folded my arms and looked at their expressions, thinking over the next moved. "Ok. I'll call her from a burner later, check in."

"You think you call her; you won't have to deal with mom too" Jax challenged me?

"Then I guess I'm off the bench huh" I snapped?

"You ready for that" Dad asked gently?

"What have I been ready for lately" I demanded, marching back to the doors. I looked back between the two men. "We all do hard shit boys. I just seem to be getting all of mine lately."

Mom had basically been training me to be an old lady the day she bought me my first bra. PS, it wasn't your white cotton number either. Black lace and a thong. Hot pink cotton with the day of the week on the front and an ice cream weren't cutting it anymore. There are a lot of things my mom taught me, that perhaps the average mom may not, perhaps the average mother didn't believe. This was our world. My identity as a sexual being would define my future. I was an old lady now, but don't tell me for a second the first time Face looked at me he was in love with me. He wanted to bend me over and fuck me until I screamed. I know it, life ain't no fairytale, not even for a princess. I was a rare breed, most women learned to be an old lady, I was raised to be one. As such, I knew the philosophy the men used when defining their own Old Lady. The only way you make it, you know everything or nothing.

In the role of princess, most of my life I knew nothing. Now? Face trusted and respected me enough, I knew everything.

So, I knew about them finding out that the Calaveras MC in Lodi had been the ones to carry out the shooting at Kip's wake, and they suspected that the Mayans were in the midst of patching them over. It was all to carry out Zobelle's heroin deal with them. It would put a drug pipeline right through Charming which wasn't something dad would allow. Hell, back when I used to get shit on the regular, I would have to leave Charming. If anyone had been operating inside, there was no chance they would have sold to me anyway. They'd gone after an officer of the Calaveras, sending him a message. The Grim Bastards were an ally club that resided in Lodi and said they'd keep an eye on the Mayan action in exchange for some guns. Acquiring the hardware was on their agenda today. While the funds in the club weren't there, we had other assets and connections. The Triads had a business associate that wasn't into the brand of females that he had access to, however Samcro did, in the Caracara girls. It explained Opie's agitation that morning, clearly Lyla had been recruited. That was a dynamic I couldn't wrap my head around. Many old ladies put up with an unfaithful man, but for the man to allow his old lady to fuck other people, for money? I didn't get it. Lyla was really the only one of the Caracara girls I liked. She was kind and took care of her own and Opie's kids with a great deal of care. I'd gotten to know her on my own terms too, I'd refused to discuss her work, because I felt it would open a can of worms. But as a person? Lyla was good people.

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