Chapter 32: A Family United in Violence

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I decided against leaving the hospital that day. Even with the side glances of those who saw me emerge from the washroom earlier with my gentleman friend. Face and Jax had work at the warehouse they had to attend to, and honestly the hospital or Jax's house was probably the safest place for mom or me. Not to mention, I wanted to make sure mom was good to her word and didn't take the departure from Charming to Tara. She didn't need that shit right now.

I was just down the hall from Tara's door, bringing her some stuff from the limited gift shop the hospital had when I stopped in my tracks watching who emerged from her room. She didn't see me and continued down the hall in the opposite direction.

Phil was stationed outside of Tara's room. As soon as I got my footing back, I sprinted to him. "Who the fuck let that Gash in" I snarled?

"She said she was family" He defended.

"Did she" I snorted before I handed my care package to him? I started down the hall after my former sister in-law.

I followed her out to the parking lot and spotted her as she headed for an SUV. As she opened the door I lunged for it and slammed it shut. "Hi Wendy, how's it going" I asked in a threatening tone?

"Harley" she nodded, attempting a friendly reply. I'm not sure if the quiver in her voice was because I startled her or intimidated her. I prefer to think the latter. "You look great, how are you?"

"What the fuck are you doing here Wendy" I asked, ignoring her question? I folded my arms and furrowed my brow.

"I don't want any trouble Harley" she put her hands up defensively.

"It just seems to follow you huh" I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips. "Why were you in Tara's room?"

"I'm working with HR here" She explained. "I was looking for Tara in neonatal and they told me where to find her."

"So, you told me how you got to her" I pressed, "You missed the why."

"I want to see my son" she sighed.

"That's not gonna fucking happen" I growled.

"I'm his mother Harley" She argued.

"No, you're the junkie who nearly fucking killed him" I snarled at her, stepping closer threateningly. "You gave up your rights."

"To raise him" she shook her head. "Not to know him."

"His mother is Tara" I snarled. "She was there when you walked away."

"And who made me walk away" She glared at me? "I assume you recognize your mother's MO?"

"That's an accusation" I nodded. "And true or false, if you were any kind of a mother, you would have stayed and fought for your kid."

"You don't have any claim over him Harley" She continued to argue.

"Will says otherwise sugar tits" I took another step nearly nose to nose with her. "Now" I said in a low growl, "You are going to stay away from Tara. You will stay away from Abel and if you know what's good for you, you will stay away from my family." With that I started my strut back into the hospital.

"You can't stop this Harley" She called to me.

"Well, I guess we'll find out" I shouted to her, not looking back.

When I got back to Tara's hallway she was being wheeled out of her room. Mom was asking Phil what happened. "I don't know what happened I swear" he defended against my mother. "Some chick came with flowers; Tara said it was cool. She left a few minutes later, then I heard Tara screaming."

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