Chapter 29: More of a Father

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I didn't wake Face to drive me in that morning. I surprised mom and Sasha arriving when I did at the office. I figured my early start would allow me to look over the equipment in the garage, it was due for a safety check.

I was wandering around the bays with my clipboard when I heard a bike pull in. After so many years, I got to know the hum of different engines and that one was dad's.

He'd been off since he got back from Stockton, barely gave me the time of day. When he did, it was cold. I tried to ignore it, not be hurt. Heavy shit was going down, enough to derail anyone, and heavy is the head, right?

"Harley" I heard his voice as he entered into the garage.

"Hey dad" I replied looking at my clipboard.

"Need to talk to you" he told me.

I put down my clipboard, giving him my full attention. "What's on your mind?"

"So, I'm guessing you heard" he sighed. "About the officer challenge vote."

I was wary to venture down this road with him. Part of me worried what he was about to bring up. There was an underhandedness I was praying he didn't partake in. "Yeah" I sigh.

"So Face told you" he nodded to me. "He didn't happen to tell you which way he's voting."

"I didn't ask" I replied, though I knew full and well.

"It's no secret, he hasn't always agreed with my methods" he replied. "Was kinda hoping you could be the one to get his vote my way."

My fear realized, I was firm in how I would respond. "That's club business" I replied. It was the line that had been thrown in my face for years.

"Business you are now privy to" he snapped at me.

"So what" I shook my head. "Are you asking me to fuck him to sway him in your favor? Jesus Christ, do you know how fucked that sounds?" I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and yanked me back with force.

"Clay" Mom's voice rang out as she ran across the garage towards us. Mom was a faithful old lady, but she would not have appreciated what she just witnessed.

"Remember who you're talking to little girl" he growled at me.

"Christ" I scoffed. "Even if I was willing to do this for you. If Face caved and went against what he believes, I'd lose respect for him."

He shoved me into the work bench. "Got a smart mouth on you Princess" he warned walking over to me.

"Clay" Mom pleaded.

"Hey" I heard from the opening of the garage. Face was standing there, damn near foaming at the mouth. He moved in so quickly; I barely saw him take a step. He reached me and turned me to face him, looking me over. "You okay" He asked gently?

I think I was in shock when I choked out a "yeah" with a quick nod.

"Just a little family chat" Dad told him his growl still present but less threatening.

"You want to chat about my vote old man, you come to me" Face glared. He narrowed his eyes and told him in barely a whisper "And you ever put a hand on her again? I don't give a fuck what your patch says, I'll rip you apart."

He put his hand out for mine. There was a moment of pause when my parents both looked at me. Something was just broken in that garage. I didn't realize what it was at the time, but it was broken, and would never have the opportunity to be repaired. I looked at Face's hand and took it, a sense of safety lived in the touch of his skin for me. He guided me out of the garage, over to his bike. He continued to look me over. "Did he hurt you?"

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