Chapter 43: Same Shit, Different Year

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*Sorry guys, late this week. Had a lot on my plate literally in the last 3 days. Without further adiue....*


I knocked on Jax's front door and didn't wait to be invited in. "Tara" I called and stopped in surprise to see my mother sitting at the table holding a newspaper. "So you've heard then?"

"Yeah" Mom scoffed.

The home invasions hadn't let up, regardless of the relationship the club now had with Pope and everything pointing to the Niners. Jax, Bobby and Chibs made their way to Oakland that morning, Face had gone to TM to hold shit down when the news broke. There would no doubt be a cruiser swinging by the latest attack was personal. This one was Rita Roosevelt. If the last name sounds familiar, that's the sheriff's wife. She and mom had bonded over their green thumbs, but that couldn't be the reason she was targeted right?

This was different than the others though. They beat the previous victims to a pulp. This was a gunshot that landed Rita on life support. Sucked, she was a cool chick truth be told.

"What the fu..." I stopped myself spotting Abel. "Fudge is going on?"

"I dunno" Mom shook her head.

"Gang task force is coming" I nodded. "Roosevelt was waving that card around before. Now he was definitely going to play it."

"We need to play this smart" Mom nodded to me.

"No we play this as we are told" I nodded back to her. "Not one of us wear a cut mom."

"Right" she nodded.

Right. Bull shit. I sighed and looked at Tara, "You get that referral done?"

"Yeah they'll be calling you over the next couple of days" she nodded to me getting to her feet and handing me Thomas.

"Referral" Mom asked?

"She needs to be monitored" Tara nodded. "She's officially high risk."

"High risk" Mom asked with concern? "Why?"

"Apparently it's standard with multiples" I shrugged.

"Multi..." she paused? "Twins?"

"Twins" I nodded as mom gleefully got to her feet and walked over hugging me tightly. "Twins. That's so exciting."

"I'm gonna get huge" I replied.

"And your ankles are gonna swell too" Mom replied. "All so worth it when you hold them the first time. Does Face know?"

"Not yet" I replied. "And Jax still has no idea I'm pregnant, so still on the DL alright?"

"Hurry up" Mom told me. "I'm about to pop with excitement."


Cops hadn't arrived yet, was only a matter of time though. I assumed I'd be dealing with Kain, and I was already on his shit list based off the alleged crush he had on Harley. Seemed to be over it these days though.

I went over the place with Juice. He knew all the layout of the club house, all the hiding places. That way if they flipped us again, we were covered. He was taking off to get Clay to a specialist appointment when Harley pulled in.

"Hey you" she smiled over at me. She was squinting even with the sunglasses on as she approached me.

"Hey back" I told her as she took the steps. "How you feeling?"

"Not bad" she shook her head. "I don't want to jinx it though."

"Yeah" I scoffed. She put her hands on my chest, and I put one on the small of her back and one on her stomach. "And how are you feeling in there?"

She examined my interaction for a second then bit her lip before she told me, "both of them."

Stunned was an understatement. "Both?"

"Yeah" she nodded. "Why Tara wanted that second ultrasound."

"Twins" I needed to further clarify?

"Yeah" she nodded looking at me hopefully.

I smiled and kissed her. Twins ran in my family. My mother was a twin, so this was probably more of a shock to her than to me.

The bikes started to roll in, cutting our celebration short. "Gonna have to tell Jax soon" I nodded to her.

"First chance" she nodded back. "Then the rest of em."

She was passing the club members in the parking lot as she headed for TM. That's when it happened, the thing that could sour the moment.

"Lookin good Harley" Greg announced as loud as he could without shouting. He then proceeded to slap her ass hard enough it echoed.

I'm pretty sure I didn't take the stairs to get off that platform, but I couldn't tell you for sure. The next thing I knew I had Greg by the cut and my knuckles connected with his jaw. I knocked him on his ass and proceeded to follow him to the ground where I connected again. Next thing I know Tig and Chibs were pulling me off of him.

"Jesus Christ, I was messing around" Greg shouted as Go-go and Frankie helped him to his feet.

"I fucking warned you prick" I boomed, struggling against Chibs and Tig. Pulled out of Tig's grip for a second too might I add.

"Fuck Face remember where you came from" Go-go shouted. "Over what? Some pussy?!"

Before I had the chance to erupt, Bobby, Tig, Chibs and Happy all voiced their distaste for his comment. But none more than Jax.

"Watch your goddamn mouth" he roared. "That's my little sister."

There was silence, no one moved. "Now" Jax finally commanded our attention. "Can we all go into that chapel and discuss club business, like men?"

"That's what I was tryin to do" Greg told him like a scorned child.

Jax looked at me. "I think I got my message across."

"Alright" Jax nodded, leading us in the building.

The nomads passed me and while their grip had let up, Tig and Chibs were still holding fast to my arm. I looked over to see Harley standing about fifty feet away from me, like a statue.

"Give me a second guys" I told them. They reluctantly let me go and I walked over to her.

I took her hands in mine, and she intertwined her fingers I hovered over her, closing the distance between us.

"I'm sorry" she whispered.

"For what" I asked her? "You did nothing baby. You were walking to your office."

"But I caused this" she whimpered.

"No, he did" I told her assertively. "And it ends here, now, okay? No one is allowed to hurt you or disrespect you. Ever. You hear me?"

"Yeah" she whispered.

"I love you" I told her.

"I love you too" she looked up at me.

I put my hand on her stomach. "And I love you two."

She gave me a thankful smile before I turned back to the clubhouse.

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