Marcus Jerald Richardson 5-12-97

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Kevin-"Um guys I gotta go Kristens water just broke".

Brian-"Dude do what ya gotta do go".

AJ-"We'll meet you there".

Lou-"Well I guess that means we are done for the day, goodluck Kevin".

Kevin leaves to meet up with Kristen and her parents at the hospital, once admitted they are taken to a room, the rest of the boys get there and wait with Kristens parents and Kevins mom

Brian-"How nervous is he?"

Ann-"Very he wishes that his dad was here".

Brian-"We all do Aunt Ann". (hugs her)

Nick-"I still can't believe he's having a kid, we're getting big".

AJ-"Can't you be happy for the guy at least once Nick, jeez".

Howie-"He's right, listen even though Kevin is having a kid it doesn't mean it won't stop us, plus the fans are very supportive of him and Kristen".

Brian-"What's got you upset Frack?"

Nick-"Nothing I guess I'm just too young to understand this whole baby thing".

AJ-"You're seventeen dude, someday you will have kids and will know what it feels like".

Nick-"No way, I am never having kids".

Ann-"You say that now hun". (pats his back)

After a bit Kevin comes out with tears in his eyes

Kevin-"Wanna come and meet your nephew guys?"

Howie-"No way congrats man". (hugs him)

They all hug him, they head into the room, Kristens parents meet the baby first then Kevins mom holds him

Ann-"You are so sweet". (kisses babies head)

Kevin-"Mom look at the name card".

Brian-(reads it) "Marcus Jerald Richardson, oh Kev". (hugs him)

Ann-"He would be so proud of you sweetheart".

The boys take turns holding Marcus

Kristen-"Nick do you wanna hold him?"

Nick-"Oh I don't know the last time I held a baby was when Aaron was born".

Kevin-"Come on".

Kevin helps Nick hold the baby after awhile the boys left, after that they got Marcus to sleep

Kristen-"Love you".

Kevin-"Love you too". (kisses her)

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