Album Release/ Sad News

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(November 5th 2022)

Mark-"Happy album release!"

Anne-"Glad you guys could be in the UK for it".

Mikey-"Hey we got some people to see tomorrow".

Harry-"Love your phone is ringing".

Jessica-(answers it) "Hello?"

Nick-"Baby". (sniffles)

Jessica-"Dad what's wrong?"

Nick-"Have you been on your phone today?"

Jessica-"Not really, album stuff".

Nick-"Hun, Aunt Angel called, someone went to check on Aaron today and they found him in his bath". (cries)

Jessica- (sits down) "You gotta be kidding me dad".

Nick-"I wish I was hun, we're still gonna do the show tomorrow if you guys come".

Jessica-"Are you sure?"

Nick-"There's only four more shows before we go home, plus".

Jessica-"It's what he would've wanted I know dad". (sniffles)

Nick-"You okay?"

Jessica-"Dad I don't know how to feel, I've lost three family members due to drugs".

Nick-"They have no idea if drugs were invovled, but we all think there was even your gram, but she thinks someone did it".

Jessica-"Of course she does, what about Mel?"

Nick-"No idea, you aunt is talking to her, I'm gonna go I'll see you tomorrow baby".

Jessica-"Love you dad". (hangs up)

The others are watching the tv when the news comes on about Aaron, they all look at Jessica who is outside on the patio

Harry-"I'll go". (goes outside)

Jessica-"Fuck!" (cries)

Harry-(hugs her) "I know baby".

Jessica-"Why does this always happen to me, first my sister and brother to cancer, then my mom and aunt to drugs, then my big brother with his heart, now this!" (cries even harder)

Harry hugs her tight and sheds some tears as well, the others come out and hug her as well

Jagger-"Is mummy okay?"

Niall-"She's gonna talk to you okay?"


Jessica and Harry come in , they sit down and they explain to Jagger what happend, him and Aaron were really close before the whole order happend so he took it really hard, Aaron got to meet the twins, but someone had to be there with them, so they only remember him a little bit

Jake-"Are they still doing the show?"

Jessica-"My dad said they are, there are only four shows left, plus Aaron would've wanted them to". (sighs)

Mikey-"Do they know how?"

Jessica-"My dad said they found him in his tub, they were doing a check, but his housekeeper said he was fine, but in the morning he was gone".

Kendra-"So he drowned?"


Harry-"We got you babe". (kisses her head)

Mark-"You still wanna go tomorrow?"

Jessica-"I need to see my dad, I might just go to the hotel tonight to be with him".

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