Big Meeting

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Jen-"So you guys wanna talk?"

Mark-"We do".

Jake-"We wanna get back into the studio".

Anthony-"Five of us together".

Mikey-"Jess has some ideas".

Jessica-"I do indeed, but we need to keep this on the low down, especially our families, I told Harry that Mikey and I are working on something together, and the three of you are doing something".

Mark-"Sounds good to me".

Jen-"What were you guys thinking?"

Jake-"I mean even though we did it before, we wanna do another cover album".

Mikey-"Not right now though, we got some songs we wanna record that we wrote".

Jessica-"Especially this one". (hands it to Spencer)

Spencer-"Sweet this is the one you wanna put the kids in right?"

Anthony-"Sure is".

Jessica-"Might wanna wait nine months though to do it".

Jen-"No way again?!" (hugs her)

Mark-"And that's the other reason".

Jessica-"We told everyone else already, but wanted to wait to tell you, plus with Harry being back on tour now this gives us more time to do stuff".

Jen talks to marketing over the phone and also the record label

Mikey-"Okay how do we wanna do this though?"

Jake-"We could always do what James did with the Jonas Brothers".

Jen-"I'll give his team a call". (goes to call cbs)

Spencer-"I'm so happy you guys wanna do this again, don't get me wrong it's been great with Jess, but I miss the five of you together".

Mark-"So did we Spence, maybe this will give those other five some courage to finally do a reunion".

Jessica-"Hey I've been trying even with Niall, but they won't budge, even the kids keep begging them". (laughs)

Anthony-"How is Harry anyways?"

Jessica-"He's doing good, he wants to try to make it home to visit the kids when he gets a break". (sighs)

Mikey-"Hey everything is going to be okay Jess, our moms went through the same thing with our dads and still are, now we know how it feels".

Jessica-"Yeah, but you guys don't have to worry about your wives our husbands being across the other side of the world and having girls flaunt over them".

Jake-"Is that what you're worried about, him getting with a girl when he's away?"

Jessica-(sighs) "Yes, Lou told me ho whe was during the One Direction days, but I don't think he would now, we've been married for almost a month and have three kids and one on the way".

Mark-"Everything is going to be fine little cuz". (hugs her)

Jen comes back in and they continue the meeting, once they are done they all head back to their houses, Jessica goes to pick up the kids from Nialls, they were in LA for the time being, when she got there she went into the house

Jagger-"Mummy!" (hugs her)

Jessica-"Hey bug". (kisses his head)

Niall-"The twins are still sleeping". (hugs her)

Jessica-"That's alright, if you don't mind we're just gonna hang out a bit more".

Niall-"Of course not, Jagger can finish up his lunch then".

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