For Now

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Nick-"You gotta stay with mommy for now okay?"

Jessica-"Okay". (pouts)

Julie-"When daddy comes back he's gonna take you on tour just like the last time hun".

Jordan-"We promise to make it fun like the last time while waiting for him".

Jessica-"Bye daddy". (hugs him)

Nick-"I love you baby". (hugs her tight)

After that Nick said his goodbyes to the other families, Kevin was there as well to tell them goodluck, after that they got on the tour bus and started on the way to their first stop on tour

Jessica-"I'm going inside". (goes inside)

Cody-"Is she okay?"

Julie-"She just doesn't like it when Nick has to leave hun".

The others head inside as well, they were all staying a Kevin and Kristens for the night so the kids could spend sometime with eachother before they went home

Mikey-"Is Jess okay?"

Leighanne-"She's just really misses her daddy hun just like you do". (kisses his head)

Nora-"AJ told me about the message Julie sent to Nick". (whispers)

Cassie-"Howie and Leigh told me also, I think that's horrible".

Julie comes into the room and the girls stay quiet after a bit she speaks up

Julie-"I'm sure you guys already got told the news".

Leigh-"We have".

Cassie-"Are you sure it's the right thing to do Jules, Nick is doing the best he can".

Julie-(sighs) "I know, she needs him, but he needs to stop the drinking and partying".

Leighanne-"Brian says the same thing hun, but he can't even get him to stop".

Nora-"He doesn't do it when Jess is with him though".

Julie-"I know, I have no idea what to tell her, plus she gets to decide who she wants to live with anyways and I have a feeling".

Kristen-"That she's gonna pick him?"

Julie-"Yes, which I won't be mad about".

Cody-(comes in) "Dad needs help with Emily, Jessica won't talk to anyone either".

Julie-"I'm coming bud".

All the girls head into the living room where the others are, Julie heads upstairs to help Jordan with Emily, Kevin goes over and sits by Jessica

Kevin-"Why such a sad face?"

Jessica-"I wanted to go with daddy". (whispers then starts to cry)

Kristen-"Oh hunny". (hugs her)

Kevin-"You're gonna see him soon sweet cheeks remember what your mommy said".

Jessica-"Yeah, but after that I'm with mommy forever!" (starts to cry harder)

Leighanne-"I'm taking she knows?"

Nora-"AJ said that Julie and Nick talked to her last night and it didn't go well".

Kevin-"Jess look at me and take a deep breath".

Jessica takes a deep breath and looks at Kevin

Kevin-"Alright sweet cheeks you won't stay with your mommy forever, people have to decide who gets you from time to time okay".

Jessica-"I wanna stay with daddy though".


Jessica-"I don't know". (huffs)

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