Studio Time

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Jessica-"Any other way!"

Spencer-"Nice Jess, one more time".

Jessica-"You got it Spence".

She does her part in the song then comes out of the booth

Jake-"Mark don't worry I'm sure it's happend to our dads with their voices as well".

Spencer-"Worried about the voice crack, don't worry bud Nick was only thirteen when he joined the group and he had to go through the same thing, all of you will".

Jessica-"Even me?"

Spencer-"Even you, it won't be as deep as the boys', but it will still change".

Mikey-"What else do we have to record today?"

Spencer-"Just your and Jakes parts".

The boys do their parts, after they are done the kids hang around a little more to see Spencer do his work with the songs they have recorded the past couple weeks, it will be for their first album

AJ-(walks in) "Sorry we're late".

Spencer-"Hey no problem, just showing them how to edit the song".

The other boys come in and so does Kevin, the kids are staying with him and Kristen while the boys are still on tour and so the kids can record the album

Brian-"How much more do they have to do?"

Spencer-"Two more songs then we are done, then we just listen to all of the songs and pick what ones we want on the album".


Kevin-"Are you guys having fun?"

Mark-"Loads". (his voice cracks)

Howie-"Oh no we had to deal with Nicks voice doing this". (laughs)

Nick-"It wasn't that bad, don't worry Mark it will only happen once in awhile then your voice will be deep". (makes deep sounds)

Kevin-"What you doing there sweet cheeks?"

Jessica-"School, just finished". (closes notebook)

Spencer-"When they aren't in the booth they've been doing their schoolwork".

Brian-"We still gotta talk to Jen about the whole homeschool thing also for when they are working".

AJ-"I suggested homeschool while touring or promoting, then just regular when they are off and taking a break".

Howie-"I agree I feel like they should still get the real school experiance".

Nick-"Even if it means people asking for autographs?"

Kevin-"Didn't think about that one did ya fellas?" (laughs)

They all laugh after that the guys head to Kevins with the kids, they get a little break from tour so they are heading back home for a bit

Kevin-"Nick, Julie called the other day Em isn't doing too good, back in the hospital, even stronger treatments, Jessica is devastated".

Nick-"I'm gonna take her to see her when we get back to Nashville, don't worry she called me too". (pats his back)

Mikey-"Mark give it back!" (from upstairs)

Kristen-"Oh boy". (heads upstairs)

Brian-"They're fighting again?"

Jessica-(walks in) "Third time this week". (sighs then sits on Nicks lap)

AJ-"What are they fighting about?"

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