We Should Take A Break

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(May 2018)

Jake-"How long are we thinking though?"

Mark-"As long as we need to".

Mikey-"This is taking a toll on all of us".

Jessica-"Plus the three of us have kids now and we haven't seen them in how many weeks?"

Anthony-"Jess is right, plus Jagger and Max are only two months".

Jen-"So you guys wanna take a break?"

Mikey-"I guess so".

Jessica-"We should take a break then, depending how long who knows".

Jake-"Plus we could all do some stuff on our own that we've been wanting to do".

Anthony-"That is true".

Jessica-"Also we can finally get Mark and Hillary married".

Mark-"Thank god".

Jen-"Should we make a statement?"

They all agree, Jessica goes to their instgram page while Mark goes to their twitter with the ig post as well

IG/ Twitter post Bloodline

Caption- Us as a whole have decided it is best for us to take a break, yes we have a new album out, but we have been going at it year after year, this break is going to let us spend time with our loved ones, especially the newest additions to the ...

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Caption- Us as a whole have decided it is best for us to take a break, yes we have a new album out, but we have been going at it year after year, this break is going to let us spend time with our loved ones, especially the newest additions to the Bloodline family, and also us to focus on some solo projects that have been put on hold. No this is not goodbye this is a see ya soon, thank you all for understanding, all the love JC, Mikey, Mark, Jake, and Anthony

Comments-Fan-What?!?!?, AJMcLean-You kids deserve this break, Brokspic-Take all the time you need, KevinRichardson-You guys need the rest, especially spending time with the kiddos, NickCarter-Don't be gone too long, HowieD-Well deserved rest, JCarter9-We love you all, MarkRichardson-Time to finally get married, MikeyLittrell-Coming home little man!, JakeMcLean-Time to relax. AnthonyDorough-We will be back, we promise!, Fan-Please let it be for like a year!

After that they get their things together and head to the airport, they say their goodbyes, first place Jessica goes is Vegas to see Odin, when see gets there she heads in the house


Odin-"Sissy!" (hugs her)

Nick-"What the heck".

Lauren-"That was quick". (hugs her)

Jessica-"Needed to come see my little man".

Nick-"We're off for a couple days before we head back on the road".

Odin-"Baby!" (touches Lauren stomach)

Jessica-"I know buddy". (smiles)

Lauren-"You heading back to London?"

Jessica-"Yeah I decided to see you guys first before I go".

Nick-"Harry called earlier, he's finally sleeping through the whole night".

Jessica-"Oh thank god". (laughs)

She spends somemore time with Odin and her parents then she heads to the airport, Train meets up with her, his family decided to move to London to be close to Jessica, once they landed in London she went to the house, when she went in the house Axl greeted her

Harry-"Jagger look it's mummy!"

Jessica-"Hi baby". (takes him from Harry then hugs Harry)

Harry-"So glad you're home".

Jessica-"Me too babe". (kisses him)

Once Jessica gets settled back in, they eat dinner they then get Jagger to bed then head to bed themselves

Harry-"Last week I'm home love". (sighs)

Jessica-"Hey I might be taking a break, but that doesn't mean I'm not coming on tour with you".

Harry-"I was hoping you would say that, but if you would like to come home anytime with him go ahead". (kisses her head)

They talk some more then head to bed 

IG Post

Caption- Back home with my boys

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Caption- Back home with my boys

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