Anthony Howard Dorough 2-17-99

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Q-"Hey D your girls water just broke!"

Howie-"Oh shit, sorry guys".

AJ-"Go man, we'll finish rehearsal tomorrow no worries".

Kevin-"We'll meet up with you".


Kristen-"Yep Aunt Cassie is gonna have a baby".

Nick-"Here we go again". (laughs)

Nora-"Hey now I'm due soon too ya know".

AJ-"Oh Jesus help". (laughs)

They wrap up rehearsal for tour and head to the hospital to meet up with Howie, once they get there they wait in in the waiting room, after awhile they hear cries and Howie comes out

Howie-"It's a boy". (smiles)

Nick-"Congrats D!" (hugs him)

They follow him into the room, Howie and Cassies families are flying out from Florida to come see the baby the next day

Cassie-"Hi guys".

Nora-"Oh my gosh he is so precious Cassie".

Howie-"Anthony Howard Dorough these are your aunts and uncles".

Brian-"Hi little guy".

The guys take turns holding Anthony


Kevin-"Yes you can hold the baby, this is your cousin Anthony".


Kristen-(smiles) "Close enough".

After awhile the boys left, Cassie and Howie got the baby to sleep

Cassie-"Has Nick mentioned her to the other guys?"

Howie-"Not that I know of, not even Brian".

Cassie-"Love you".

Howie-"Love you too". (kisses her)

At Nicks house

Brian-"So you met her at the Utah show?"

Nick-"Yeah we've been talking she's a year older than me".

AJ-"Just be careful bud, I don't want you getting hurt like the last one".

They talk some more then head to bed 

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