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Jessica-"Why hello camera, welcome to tour rehearsals".

Mikey-"Also our youtube channel don't forget that JC".

Mark-"Oh no they found the camera". (facepalms)

Ricky-"You two get back over here". (laughs)

They head back over and continue rehearsal for their first big tour ever, their dads just ended the This Is Tour and are in rehearsals themselves with New Kids On The Block they decided to take the New Kids to the kids rehearsal

Donnie-"I gotta admit they are your guys' clones". (laughs)

AJ-"I know right, you should see Jakes little brother though literally his twin".

Brian-"This stage is huge!" (does handstand on it)

Mikey-"Dad we're working over here".

Jake-"He sees the camera also". (laughs)

John-"Who decided the youtube channel?"

Howie-"Managment did, basically just behind the scenes stuff and for their music videos".

Danny-"I really loved the Any Other Way One".

Knight-"When are they leaving?"

Nick-"In the next couple weeks, Jess said their first show is in Utah so she'll be able to see some family there".

Back up on stage the kids are going over another dance move

Ricky-"You're getting the hang of it".

Anthony-"How many more times?" (groans)

Jake-"Dude come on it's the last week before we have to do a full run through".

Mark-"Full run through as".

Ricky-"As wearing your outfits and pretending like it's an actual show, yes".

Jessica-"Oh thank the music gods!"

They all laugh, after they do their last step they take a break they all sit on the stage with the band

Tyler-"You kids are gonna be a handful".

Mikey-"What makes you say that".

Sean-"Well for starters, Jess has already hidden picks on me".

Jeremy-"Same here".

Jessica-"Oops". (laughs)

Tyler-"Also when I'm not around my drums someone is playing them".

Jessica-"Hey I'm just keeping them warm for you". 

Tyler-(hands her sticks) "Knock yourself out".

She goes to the drums and starts to play the guys look over and Nick smiles

Joey-"Is there anything that kid of yours can't do?"

Nick-"Nope I don't think so". (smiles)

Ricky-(comes back to the stage) "Alright break time over".

Jake-"Oh come on".

Ricky-"Not for dance rehearsal". (passes ball to Jessica)

Jessica-"Oh Uncle Brian".

Brian-"Don't mind if I do". (joins kids on the stage)

Joey-"What are they doing?"


They pass the soccer ball around, when it gets to Brian he kick it to his head then hits it over to Jessica she then hits it with her hhead two time then kicks it to Jake

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